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Square Enix

Final Fantasy XVI has finally gone gold

Square Enix has announced that Final Fantasy XVI is finally ready for its release and will not suffer any more delays, so we’ll get to meet the world of Valisthea in June.

Final Fantasy XVI

No more delays. Square Enix has just announced on its social networks that Final Fantasy XVI has finally gone gold, which indicates that the game has finished its development and is ready for sale. “From the entire team, including Torgal, we hope you’re looking forward to #FF16′s launch on June 22nd.”

The news comes after a month of good news around the game. Without going very far, this week started with an impressive video about the world of Final Fantasy XVI, Valisthea. While we are not facing an open world, we will have huge and beautiful maps. From lush forests to large lakes, passing through deserts, savannahs, waterfalls, and castles surrounded by caverns, lava, and ruins from ancient times. Most of these landscapes have stayed in our minds since their reveal.

How long is Final Fantasy XVI?

But not only that, Naoki Yoshida and Hiroshi Takai, producer and director of the game, have also recently taken the opportunity to confirm how long it will take to overcome the main story of Final Fantasy XVI and how many hours it could take to get the platinum trophy. According to both developers, “it will probably take 35 hours” if we go for the main missions (with some side content in between) and “if we include the side content, you can double that amount”.

Both reiterated that we can expect about 11 hours of cinematics, they revealed that they originally wanted it to last 24 hours (as many as a day has) and said that there would be online scoreboards that will allow you to compete with other players in some tasks and extend the life of FFXVI indefinitely.

“When the development of the game was starting, I had in mind that today the players are very busy with other things, so I wanted them to at least be able to complete the story. I thought that a game with a story you can complete in 20 hours makes sense, but in the end, we added more and more content...”, said Naoki Yoshida. “We have also included a New Game Plus mode with crazy difficulty called “final fantasy mode”. That probably adds even more time.”