Arrowhead Game Studios
Helldivers 2 players succeed in their latest major order, resulting in the birth of a Black Hole
Helldivers all over the galaxy won a major victory against the Terminids in Helldivers 2′s latest major order, but the results are heavier than we expected.

When Super Earth Command tells you to cover a planet-sized Terminid supercolony with mysterious black liquid, any Helldiver worth its rations knows to do so without asking questions. And players did exactly that during the latest Major Order in Helldivers 2, in which we were tasked with getting rid of the Meridia supercolony. With a new kind of termicide developed to counter the effects of the previous version, nothing could go wrong.
And as such, the Helldivers rose to victory by covering the entirety of the planet with the “dark fluid”, taking out the entire mega nest of aliens. In fact, they did their job so well, they actually went above and beyond just covering the planet in it, instead causing a gravitational anomaly that resulted in the collapse of Meridia itself into a newly birthed black hole. Everything according to Super Earth’s plan!
Nothing wrong can come out of this Black Hole in Helldivers 2
That’s exactly right: this new Black Hole was the plan the entire time. We just weren’t made aware of it because it is not our job to think, but to serve Super Earth! Clearly the dark fluid was always meant to collapse the planet to cut off the advancement of the Terminid menace closer to our home territory.
Pay no attention to the mysterious, whale like sounds emanating from the newly formed black hole. There is absolutely no reason to think that anything could come out of it in the coming days, or in the future in general! Those rumors about a third faction of enemies known as The illuminate bursting out of a worm hole have no basis, just as the other rumors about our enemies evolving because of our actions are fake.
Yep. Nothing could go wrong from this absolutely not accidental side-effect of our dark fluid strategy. We think…
Helldivers 2 is available on PlayStation 5 and PC through Steam.