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Hogwarts Legacy gets delayed on Nintendo Switch, but still aims for release in 2023

Avalanche Software is going to need some more time to bring the magic of Hogwarts Legacy to Nintendo Switch, but it’s still coming this year.


Bad news for Harry Potter fans. Hogwarts Legacy will take longer to come to Nintendo Switch. The studio will not reach its set date in the summer and is already aiming for a new date: November 14, 2023. The studio alludes to the fact that the team’s priority is to “creating the best possible experience” for fans on the Nintendo console.

We know that the port will run natively on the console. Unlike other third parties that use a cloud solution, Avalanche Software works to make it work natively on Nintendo Switch. At first, it was set to launch alongside the PS4 and Xbox One versions, but little by little its launch was delayed until this latest delay was announced.

How does it perform in the last generation?

In May we received ports of Hogwarts Legacy on PS4 and Xbox One after launching earlier this year on PS5, Xbox Series X|S, and PC. In our review we said that “the adaptation to previous generation systems is almost faultless” despite “sacrificing some of its elements”.

“Depending on the console, resolution fluctuates between 900p and 1440p, while the framerate reaches 30 FPS and can be unlocked to make the rate higher (somewhat less stable). Graphic details are lost and loading times are much longer, but the general experience remains intact “, we said during the conclusions. If you do not have a next-generation console, it is an excellent option for all those who have not yet been able to make the leap.

Source | Avalanche Software