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Sony Pictures

Madame Web: Spider-Man Universe movie has post-credits scene?

If you’re planning on going to see Sony’s new Spider-Man movie, you might be interested to know how long you’ll be in the theater.

Madame Web

The day has come and Madame Web has finally arrived in theaters. While early reactions have been less than positive, you may want to see it to believe it, or just make up your own mind. There’s also the big question that has plagued superhero movies for over 10 years, “Does this movie have a post-credits scene? It’s almost a tradition now to have these scenes, especially in movies that are trying to connect to a larger universe, and in Sony’s case, the Spider-Man universe.

Does Madame Web have a post-credits scene?

If you’re in the theater, the movie’s over, and you want to know if you should stick around (or you’re just curious before you go see the movie), the answer is no. Madame Web does not have a post-credits scene, even though the movie is the basis for a possible Spider-Woman movie, there will be nothing until the end.

Still, it’s worth sticking around to pay tribute to the people who worked on the movie, the grateful comic book artists, and others who made this installment possible. Or if you already have to go to the bathroom, the parking lot is closing, or you just can’t sit still any longer, it’s a good time to know that you won’t miss anything.

What are the critics saying about Madame Web?

Unfortunately, the Madame Web movie, like other films in the Spider-Man universe, has not been well received by critics. It currently has a 17% rating on Rotten Tomatoes, barely beating out the previous film in this cinematic universe, Morbius, starring Jared Leto.

For now, it is time to see how audiences react to the movie and see if there is a universal consensus or if there is once again a discrepancy in opinion as with some other superhero movies.
