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One of Dark Souls’ most iconic locations debuted five years before in an lesser-known FromSoftware RPG

Anor Londo left Dark Souls players speechless, but that wasn’t the first time the golden city had appeared in a FromSoftware game.


Introductions are unnecessary for Dark Souls. Sen’s Fortress, Quelaag’s Domain, the Painted World of Ariamis, and the Tomb of the Giants are some of the settings that made up a world that is now video game history. But the key moment of the adventure occurs in Anor Londo, a before and after in development. However, FromSoftware already had this level in mind long before the arrival of Demon’s Souls. And Enchanted Arms is the proof.

Anor Londo was shown in another FromSoftware game five years before Dark Souls

In the extensive list of FromSoftware games there is a JRPG that released in 2006 as an Xbox 360 exclusive. Although it would later reach PS3, its first steps into the market were initially taken on the Microsoft console with a single purpose. A good part of the adventure takes place in the so-called London City, a capital that has many similarities with the real life city of London... but also with Anor Londo.

The image above leaves no room for doubt. A horizon without hope, buildings that end in peaks, marble all over the surface, endless and wide stairs, the wall surrounding the city… Even the tone of the lighting is similar. It is clear that in some way London City was the basis for Anor Londo. The play on words is assured. If you have a physical copy of Enchanted Arms on Xbox 360 you can play it on Xbox One and Xbox Series X|S through its backward compatibility service.

Because Anor Londo was the place where the real Dark Souls begins. It is home to the Painted World of Ariamis, one of the best secrets in the game. The first time entering the painting leaves an indelible mark. But the level is also the most important matchup in the game. Once you overcome Ornstein and Smough you are ready for all the challenges they throw at you. It’s the Genichiro of Dark Souls, only more than five years earlier.