One Piece
One Piece | When are the birthdays of all its characters?
We take a look at the calendar and the birthdays of every single One Piece character. Luffy, Zoro, Shanks, Blackbeard... Will you coincide with one of them?

In 25 years, more than 1000 chapters for the manga and as many for the anime, One Piece has had time to introduce us to a few characters. Well, “a few”. More than four hundred characters (and yes, don’t ask why we counted them). Since it’s not exactly a few, let’s get to the point: here is a calendar with all, absolutely all, birthdays of these characters. You will find everything from the birthdays of the Mugiwaras to those of their enemies and allies, and even those of strangers who have tiptoed in and out of the series. Will any of them coincide with yours? Who would you have been in the pirate world? Let’s find out.
One Piece character birthdays in January
- January 1 - Portgas D. Ace, Islewan and Daz Bonez
- January 2 - Peeply Lulu
- January 3 - Iceburg
- January 4 - Peterman and Crocus
- January 5 - Strawberry
- January 6 - Tilestone and Oimo
- January 7 - Mozu
- January 8 - Ivankov Emporium
- January 9 - Pickles
- January 10 - Eustass Kid and Otohime
- January 11 - Itomimizu
- January 12 - Hiriluk
- January 13 - Ikaros Munch
- January 14 - Sweet Pea
- January 15 - A.O
- January 17 - Capone Bege
- January 18 - Splash and Splatter
- January 19 - Spandine
- January 22 - Going Merry
- January 26 - Nero
- January 27 - Lola
- January 29 - Kin’emon
- January 31 - Aladine

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One Piece character birthdays in February
- February 1 - Doma and Brogy
- February 2 - Vivi and Killer
- February 3 - Fuza, Barbamarron and Bizarre
- February 4 - Haruta, Fukaboshi and Gloriosa
- February 5 - Vista and Blamenco
- February 6 - Nico Robin, Nico Olvia and Blondie
- February 8 - Onigumo and Gonbe
- February 9 - Genbo, Wadatsumi and Bartholomew Kuma
- February 10 - Mikazuki
- February 12 - Oars Jr
- February 13 - King Cobra
- February 14 - Miss Valentine (Mikita)
- February 15 - Charlotte Linlin (Big Mom)
- February 16 - Bluejam
- February 20 - Kumadori
- February 22 - Jerry and Hamburg
- February 23 - Makino
- February 24 - Enishida
- February 28 - Woop Slap
One Piece character birthdays in March
- March 1 - Minorhinoceros
- March 2 - Sanji Vinsmoke and Sanjuan Wolf
- March 3 - Hina and Mr. 3 (Galdino)
- March 4 - Masira and Minotaurus
- March 5 - Sadi and Minokoala
- March 6 - Salome and Jaguar D. Saúl
- March 7 - Minozebra
- March 8 - Zambai
- March 9 - Franky, Dracule Mihawk and Shanks
- March 10 - Satori, Nola and Sentomaru
- March 11 - Spandam and Palms
- March 12 - Sterry
- March 13 - Laffitte
- March 14 - Smoker and Alvida
- March 16 - Tom
- March 19 - Scrathmen Apoo and Atmos
- March 20 - Sabo and Shiki
- March 21 - Spacey
- March 24 - Thatch
- March 25 - Ohm
- March 26 - Tsuru
- March 29 - Shalria and Catarina Devon
- March 30 - Manboshi
- March 31 - Baskerville
One Piece character birthdays in April
- April 1 - Usopp and Kashi
- April 2 - Jinbe and Zeff
- April 3 - Brook, Porchemy and Monda
- April 4 - Foxy and Shirahoshi
- April 5 - Yamakaji and the Right Minister
- April 6 - Whitebeard, Jean Bart and Speed Jiru
- April 7 - Gin and Shachi
- April 8 - Clover and Megalo
- April 9 - Yorki, Margueritet, Momo and Caesar Clown
- April 10 - Forest Chief
- April 11 - Pekoms
- April 13 - Morgan
- April 14 - Hody Jones
- April 15 - Fossa
- April 16 - Stronger
- April 18 - Hyouzou
- April 20 - Blueno
- April 22 - Kuro
- April 23 - Kalifa
- April 25 - Penguin
- April 26 - Chaka
- April 28 - FunkFreed
- April 29 - Miss GoldenWeek (Marianne)
- April 30 - Viola
One Piece character birthdays in May
- May 1 - Kaido and Capote
- May 2 - Coribou and Monkey D. Garp
- May 3 - Arlong
- May 4 - Ishilly
- May 5 - Monkey D. Luffy and Demalo Black
- May 6 - Enel
- May 8 - Shakuyaku
- May 9 - Sengoku and Kong
- May 10 - Heracles
- May 13 - Koby and Silver Rayleigh
- May 14 - Tamago
- May 18 - Gorilla
- May 19 - John Giant and Andre
- May 20 - Conis
- May 22 - Decalvan Brothers
- May 23 - Chew
- May 25 - Big Pan
- May 26 - Koza
- May 31 - Lacuba
One Piece character birthdays in June
- June 1 - Charlos and Moda
- June 2 - Rob Lucci, Chimney and Lonz
- June 3 - Mousse
- June 4 - Epoida
- June 5 - Jabra
- June 6 - Momonga and Karma
- June 7 - Perona
- June 8 - Saldeath and Lacroix
- June 9 - Surume and Rockstar
- June 10 - Portgas D. Rouge and Dalton
- June 11 - Shiryu
- June 12 - Disco
- June 16 - Pedro
- June 21 - Miss Father’s Days
- June 22 - Gyro
- June 23 - Ryuboshi
- June 25 - Charlotte Pudding
- June 27 - Riku Doldo III
- June 28 - Rosward
- June 29 - Fukurou
- June 31 - Elmy
One Piece character birthdays in July
- July 2 - Minister of the Left
- July 3 - Nami and Neptune
- July 4 - Caribou
- July 6 - Lucky Roux and Namur
- July 7 - Raki
- July 8 - Paulie and Daruma
- July 10 - Kamakiri and Ramba
- July 15 - Donquixote Rosinante
- July 16 - Helmeppo and Seto
- July 17 - Hammond and Toto
- July 21 - Kanjuro
- July 23 - Richie
- July 24 - Leo
- July 25 - Nojiko
- July 26 - Mr. 5 (Gem)
- July 29 - Kadar

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One Piece character birthdays in August
- August 1 - Urouge and Aphelandra
- August 2 - Yasopp
- August 3 - Blackbeard and Inazuma
- August 5 - Gaimon, Octopako and Vasco Shot
- August 6 - Blenheim, Sodom and Gomorrah
- August 7 - Kaku and Bellamy
- August 8 - Buggy and Hatchan
- August 9 - Vegapunk ,Wapol and Hack
- August 10 - Gedatsu, Hattori and Fujitora
- August 11 - Duval
- August 15 - Tsukimi and Bonclay (Bentham)
- August 16 - Akainu
- August 18 - Wiper
- August 19 - Motobaro
- August 22 - Vander Decken IX
- August 23 - Pell
- August 24 - Kaya
- August 25 - Corgi
- August 27 - Monet
- August 28 - Hannyabal
- August 30 - Curly Dadan
- August 31 - Cavendish
One Piece character birthdays in September
- September 1 - Jewelry Bonney, Kiwi and Delacuaji
- September 2 - Boa Hancock
- September 3 - Brannew, Boa Sandersonia, and McGuy
- September 4 - Kumashi
- September 5 - Crocodile and Boa Marigold
- September 6 - Gecko Moria, Arlong and Macro
- September 8 - Cabaji and Rakuyo
- September 9 - Basil Hawkins and Madam Shirley
- September 10 - T-Bone and Very Good
- September 11 - Montblanc Cricket
- September 12 - Curiel
- September 13 - Hoe
- September 15 - Spoil
- September 16 - Laboon and Rindo
- September 17 - Kuina
- September 18 - Devil Dias
- September 19 - Don Krieg
- September 20 - Shura
- September 21 - Aokiji and Pappag
- September 24 - Suu
- September 25 - Terracotta
- September 27 - Kyros
- September 30 – Avaló Pizarro
One Piece character birthdays in October
- October 1 - Comil and Moji
- October 2 - Dorry and Tonjit
- October 3 - Yama
- October 4 - Oars and Kalgara
- October 5 - Monkey D. Dragon, Marco, Van Augur, and Kokoro
- October 6 - Tashigi, Trafalgar D. Law and Bartolomeo
- October 8 - Doberman and Pierre
- October 9 - Magellan, Dosun, and Mont Blanc Noland
- October 10 - Den
- October 11 - Inuarashi
- October 12 - Charlotte Smoothie
- October 13 - Izou
- October 14 - Haredas
- October 16 - Taroimo
- October 18 - Doc Q
- October 20 - Tyrannosaurus
- October 23 - Doflamingo
- October 24 - X Drake
- October 25 - Kuroobi and Koala
- October 30 - Domino and Magra
- October 31 - Whitey Bay and Shelly

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One Piece character birthdays in November
- November 1 - Dalmatian
- November 3 - Camie and Yamato
- November 4 - Kashigami
- November 5 - Fisher Tiger
- November 6 - Ryuma
- November 7 - Holy
- November 8 - Karoo
- November 9 - Benn Beckman, Jalmack and Albion
- November 11 - Roronoa Zoro, Jozu and Zeo
- November 13 - Kingdew
- November 16 - Porche
- November 20 - Bepo
- November 22 - Nekomamushi
- November 23 - Kizaru and Ankoro
- November 24 - Ran
- November 26 - Goro
- November 30 - Reiju Vinsmoke
One Piece character birthdays in December
- December 3 – Bell-mère
- December 5 – Indigo
- December 6 – Igaram
- December 19 – Hogback and Dogra
- December 22 – Gan Fall
- December 24 – Tony Tony Chopper
- December 25 – Jesus Burgess
- December 30 – Absalom
- December 31 – Gol D. Roger

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Source | Joe D. King