The best CS2 configuration settings to have the most FOV possible in-game
Ever wanted to have eyes on the back of your head while playing Counter-Strike 2? These setting configurations might help get closer to that.

Counter-Strike 2 released only a couple of weeks ago, and players are still trying to get used to the biggest changes Valve has made to the game. Many are unhappy with the arrival of the update/sequel, while others are eager to experiment with all of the tools the developers have used to create this new experience. One of the things that they are messing with is the game’s FOV.
FOV (Field of Vision) is the term given to how much of the game players can see through their character’s eyes. In many FPS titles this option can be shortened or expanded to ridiculous levels, basically allowing players to have a sort of “peripheric vision” that lets them see everything that surround them at all times, perhaps at the cost of the screen becoming warped and nauseating. As Counter-Strike 2 is a competitive game, this option is limited to enforce equality amongst all players in a match.
One player has found a way to bypass these restrictions, and shared their discovery on Twitter/X. You are able to widen your FOV all the way to 120 by using the “splitscreen_mode 2″ command in the game’s console, while having the super-resolution option from the advanced video settings on. The results speak for themselves:
As is to be expected, most of the game’s assets become warped with this higher FOV, resulting in the player actually seeing much more than usual, in exchange of making aiming almost impossible. But now that other players are getting in on this trick, others are finding that this method results in the game bugging out during matches. Mentions of the buy menu appearing randomly while playing, movement becoming altered, and more have started to appear.
As of this moment, this way of increasing your FOV doesn’t seem to trigger any alarms on Valve’s security system, which means that players are not being banned for using it. However, as the devs are actively working on the title, it might be that this is entirely removed, which could lead to players who exploited it previously to get sanctions down the line.