The Marvel universe in audiovisual format is as broad as it is complex due to the multitude of adaptations, sagas, story arcs, formats and more, all based on the countless original comics with decades and decades of stories behind them. And if you want to enjoy on the small screen the best of the House of Ideas in live-action or animation, you may not even know where to start. Therefore, we want to gather all the series and movies with Marvel characters and the platforms where to enjoy all of them, with the UCM as the main axis of the current Marvel offer in audiovisual format.
Where to watch all Marvel movies and series?
Currently, the Disney+ platform is home to the largest offering of Marvel content, from movies to series to numerous animated adaptations:
MCU: Films and series in chronological order
Fox films
Marvel Series
Animated series
Some Marvel movies are not available on Disney+ due to rights issues, from the most recent Spider-Man movies from the UCM with Sony Pictures to other Fox adaptations, as well as other Marvel movies that predate the UCM.