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A squirrel made its way into the Yankees vs Orioles game on Tuesday and the look of shock on the Yankees fans faces as it scampers by them is priceless.


Yankees fans startled by squirrel in the outfield

A squirrel made its way into the Yankees vs Orioles game on Tuesday and the look of shock on the Yankees fans faces as it scampers by them is priceless.

A ferocious beast, a terrifying creature, stunned New York Yankees fans as it made its way into the outfield during the Baltimore Orioles game on Tuesday. Okay, it was just a squirrel. But by the look on the Yanks fans’ faces, you’d think they just encountered a hungry grizzly bear.

This video is made even better by the fact that it’s in slow motion, so we can see the look of shock on the face of - not one, not two, but three - Yankees fans as the squirrel scampers past them. The announcers also help the comedic effect with their commentary.

“Look at the faces of the fans!”

“You’re scared of a squirrel?”

“This guy’s not,” one of them says as it passes a fan who looks on with an amused smile.

The squirrel then jumps off the ledge and onto the baseball field as the announcer says, “now it’s become a flying squirrel!”

Happy to report, the squirrel indeed stuck the landing and seems to have gotten away scar-free. As for the fans, though, they may be left mentally scarred from the trauma of encountering the scary squirrel.