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Which teams are in the 2023 College World Series?

The field of 64 hopefuls has been whittled down to eight as the College World Series heads to Omaha for the 73rd time in its 76 year history.

The field of 64 hopefuls has been whittled down to eight as the College World Series heads to Omaha for the 73rd time in its 76 year history.
Jeffrey May
A product of Cajun country in south Louisiana, Jeff played football through high school, and baseball through college and beyond. After getting a BFA from the Savannah College of Art & Design, he moved to London, where he worked for Sky Sports and coached the 2005 British Champion Croydon Pirates baseball team. He also cooks a mean jambalaya.

And just like that, the 2023 college baseball season comes down to the final eight teams. After a season of ups and downs, with surprises, collapses, and phoenix-like rising from the ashes across the NCAA this season, the College World Series heads to Omaha for the 73rd year.

Here are the last eight remaining teams in the fight.

Wake Forest

Coming out of seemingly nowhere just on the cusp of the season’s end, the Demon Deacons swept into the national number one spot, dethroning LSU from their perch, and have been busy through the early stages intent on proving that they are indeed the best team in the land.

They powered their way through the regionals and set an NCAA record hitting nine home runs in the Super Regional as they out blasted a shell-shocked Alabama.


The national number two is here as well, setting up a potential final series with Wake Forest as they head up Bracket 2. Florida have been dominant in the tournament, sweeping aside all comers.

The first team in the competition to clench a berth, the Gators had to wait around to find out who they would face, but throughout their season it has mattered very little who occupies the other dugout.


The pre-season unanimous national number one, LSU managed to hold onto that spot in all the polls until a few weeks before the SEC tournament. A shaky week led to the beginning of a mighty tumble down the rankings and by the time they righted the ship, they were in fifth place.

Now looking as if they have managed to work out the kinks, the Tigers are blasting away as they have for most of the season, overpowering Kentucky in the Super Regionals and looking ready to make a run at what would be their seventh-ever title.


Ranked seven in the country, Virginia had a battle with Duke in the Super Regional to get here, taking the series to three games. They ground out a gutsy win on the back of a complete game thrown by Brian Edgington.


The Cardinal are ranked eighth in the country and one of college baseball’s perennial powerhouses who have always managed to step up when called upon. This season it was the turn of pitcher Quinn Mathews, who steadfastly refused to leave the mound in the Super Regional, throwing a nine-inning complete game, racking up 16 strikeouts and 156 pitches to force a game three with Texas. They needed extra innings and more than a little bit of luck, but in the end, Stanford did what Stanford does.


One year after their shock departure from the competition, Tennessee are back, albeit in somewhat humbler condition. They needed a third game to get past Southern Miss in the Super Regional, and their bullpen is something less than last season, but the Vols have managed a remarkable rebuild in a very short span of time. They upended number four ranked Clemson in a 14-inning battle during the regionals and have slugged their way to Omaha, where they will try and continue that phoenix-like rise from the ashes.


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The Horned Frogs are an often-overlooked Texas collegiate program who play with something of a chip on their shoulder. They upshot of that is that they are good enough to make waves, and they head to Omaha as one of the hottest teams winning 19 of their last 21 games. In that mix is a sweep of Indiana State in the Super Regionals, and TCU is ready to take the fight on the road.

Oral Roberts

One of the least-expected teams to make it to Omaha, Oral Roberts have overcome all obstacles, clubbed their way past all opposition to get here. They needed three games to upend Oregon in the Super Regional, but that was the perfect way to see their season through. The Golden Eagles are the lowest seed to make it to Omaha in over a decade and they are intent on showing that they are here more than to just make up the numbers.

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