2024 NFL Pro Bowl rules explained; What are the new Pro Bowl rules?
The NFL’s brightest stars are coming together for the traditional Pro Bowl, with a few updated twists for the fans to enjoy in sunny Orlando.

After a three-year absence, the NFL Pro Bowl is returning to Orlando, the city of fun and family, for a weekend that will highlight the skill set needed to make it on football’s biggest stage.
The NFL Pro Bowl doesn’t happen over a single day, but rather is a full weekend of events, activities, skill displays, and a flag football game.
In addition to the football itself, the skills showdown will happen on Thursday, February 1, with Precision Passing, Best catch, High Stakes, Dodgeball, Kick Tac Toe, Snap Shots, and Tug of War.
2024 NFL Pro Bowl: skills showdown
Pro Bowl Games will kick off on Thursday, February 1, with the Skills Showdown LIVE on ESPN at 7 p.m. ET.
Precision Passing
Three quarterbacks from each conference will accumulate points by hitting as many targets as possible in one minute. The conference with the highest cumulative score earns three points. There are 10 targets that are either static or attached to robotic dummies and drones, ranging from one to five points.
Best Catch
Best catch will feature one player from each conference, showing off their creativity, inventiveness and talent. Fans will vote online to determine their favorite catch and the player with the most votes will earn three points for his conference.
High Stakes
Each player will attempt to catch punts from a JUGS machine. Each player that succeeds in catching the football without dropping others will advance to the next round and attempt to catch an additional football. The player who catches the most footballs wins.
A multi-round tournament of classic dodgeball featuring four teams of five players. In the first match, the AFC offense will face the NFC defense, and in the second game, the NFC offense squares off with the AFC defense. The winners will earn three points for their conference.
Kick Tac Toe
Each team’s kicker will compete in a giant Tic-Tac-Toe competition. The first kicker to complete a connecting line of three squares or hit five squares total will earn three points for his conference.
Snap Shots
This new skill competition will allow long snappers and centers to showcase their skills by snapping balls at targets of various sizes and point values.
This year, a new event, the tug-of-war, has been introduced. It is a game of teamwork, strength, and strategy which involves five players on each side. The game is played over a foam pit, and the goal is to pull the rope and move the opposing team across the marker. The competition will be the best, and the winning team will earn three points.
There will also be AFC vs NFC skills competitions on Sunday, February 4, at Camping World Stadium prior to the kickoff of the actual Bowl game itself, which in 2024 is taking the form of a flag football competition. The skills will include the Gridiron Gauntlet and Move the Chains.
Gridiron Gauntlet
The event is a full-field relay race with six players from each conference. The race takes place on a challenging obstacle course where participants must break through walls and crawl under doors, among other obstacles. The ultimate goal is to push the sled across the field to the finish line. The winning conference will earn three points.
Move the Chains
Strategy and teamwork are essential in this competition of strength and speed for offensive and defensive linemen. Each team of five players must work together to move 3,000 pounds of weights off a massive wall and pull a 2,000-pound wall across the finish line before the other team. The conference of the winning team will earn three points.
2024 NFL Pro Bowl: Flag football game
The AFC versus NFC flag football game will feature a 7-on-7 format. The game is being organized in partnership with RCX Sports, the NFL’s flag football operating partner, and the International Federation of American Football (IFAF). This non-profit organization promotes and develops American football worldwide. Sunday’s culminating event at the Pro Bowl Games will include an unforgettable AFC versus NFC flag game that will showcase some of the best talent in the NFL.
The game will be played on half of a standard football field, with each team consisting of seven players on the field at any given time. The game aims to score touchdowns by carrying or passing the ball across the opposing team’s goal line. The game rules will be:
- One game with four quarters.
- Game will take place on a 50-yard field with 10-yard end zones.
- Scoring plays are worth the traditional six (6) points with a 1-point conversion from the 5-yard line and a 2-point conversion option from the 10-yard line.
Once the game is finished, there will be trophy and MVP presentations and on-site fan activities, including a celebrity DJ and live interviews with players.