Which NFL teams have introduced new alternate helmets so far? Patriots, Falcons, Panthers...
The NFL changed its one-helmet rule for 2022, so several teams have added an alternate helmet this year. Here are some of the designs so far.
The NFL is getting a new look in 2022. Since the league changed its one-helmet rule, several teams are getting new uniforms and helmets for this season. The old rule that limited teams to just one helmet was due to safety concerns. Those concerns have been eased and now, several teams have already added alternate helmets with more surely coming soon.
The Carolina Panthers already had all-black uniforms, but they wore a silver helmet before. Now, they will have an all-black matte helmet to go with their all-black uniforms.
The Houston Texans now have a shiny, new, “battle red” alternate helmet. Until now, they’ve only ever had dark blue helmets. They’ll sport the ruby red for the first time when they play the Philadelphia Eagles on November 3.
The New England Patriots will have a new helmet to go with their red throwback uniforms - a white helmet with the old “Pat Patriot” persona.

The New Orleans Saints used to just have a gold helmet with a black logo and detail. Now, they’ll have the reverse - a black helmet with gold details and gold logo. They will wear it as part of their color rush all-white uniforms.
The Atlanta Falcons will sport their 1966 throwback uniform with a new, flashy red helmet this season. They did have a red helmet with said uniform back in the day, but this new one features gold stripes across the top, which is meant to honor Georgia Tech and the University of Georgia.
The Washington Commanders will sport all new jerseys and helmets now that they’ve officially changed their name and logos. They will have a new alternate black helmet for the 2022 season.
The Philadelphia Eagles will have an all-black uniform this season. They only ever had green helmets before, but now they’ll complete the full-black look for 2022. They have not yet released a photo of the black helmets. In 2023, they’ll be bringing back the iconic Kelly green uniforms from the 80s and 90s.
The Cincinnati Bengals have not yet released a photo either, but they are planning to have a new, white alternate helmet. Thanks to some fans, we can have an idea of what it could look like, which could just be a white alternate of the orange one with stripes that they don currently.