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SIGA Welcomes Ponta Delgada as its newest member

The largest and most populated island of the Portuguese archipelago of Azores has just become the latest member of the Sport Integrity Global Alliance

The largest and most populated island of the Portuguese archipelago of Azores, has just become the latest Member of the Sport Integrity Global Alliance (SIGA).

Ponta Delgada, the capital city of Saint Michael’s island and the largest and most populated of the Portuguese archipelago of Azores, has just become the latest member of the Sport Integrity Global Alliance (SIGA).

One week after opening its doors to over 40 new members and committed supporters with the constitution of SIGA LATIN AMERICA, including Brazil’s most influential sponsors, SIGA further expands its membership base with the addition of one of the world’s most idyllic maritime cities.

The Azorean archipelago also sees another of its top public institutions partnering with SIGA, following the example of the Government of Azores and the Ponta Delgada Football Association.

This development was formalized during a public ceremony attended by governmental and municipal authorities, as well as senior representatives from the local sports movement, business community and civil society.

Siga and Ponta Delgada sign Memorandum of Understanding

During the event, the SIGA Global CEO and the mayor of Ponta Delgada signed a far-reaching Memorandum of Understanding. The objectives prioritized by the parties include:

  • The promotion of sport’s positive values and social, educational, cultural and economic roles;
  • The implementation of the highest integrity, transparency and accountability standards across the local sporting ecosystem, through the adoption of SIGA’s Universal Standards on Sport Integrity and Independent Rating and Verification System (SIRVS), where appropriate;
  • The development of projects and initiatives aimed at fostering youth empowerment and development in and through sports, as well as the safeguarding of children and young people;
  • The promotion of healthy and positive lifestyles in and through sports, and prevention of unethical and deviant behaviors and risk factors; and
  • The support for and participation in SIGA’s thought leadership initiatives and reform agenda.

Commenting on the significance of the agreement formalized by both institutions in his own home town, SIGA Global CEO, Emanuel Macedo de Medeiros, stated:

“As SIGA’s Global CEO and a proud son of this land, I am delighted to be here, amongst you, ‘my people’, signing an agreement that will pave the way towards the future of sport and impact in such a positive manner upon the lives of so many organizations and individuals, including the thousands of children and young people who love sport and play it in their schools, in their clubs and everywhere.

“With Ponta Delgada municipality as our newest member, you can be certain that we will go above and beyond. Here, at the center of the world, we connect the Americas, Europe and Africa with one common purpose and a shared ambition: to enhance the credibility of sport and the wider industry for the benefit of all citizens. I want to thank Ponta Delgada for its commitment to Sport Integrity and alignment with SIGA’s values. And, now, let’s get the work done.”

Pedro Nascimento Cabral, Mayor of Ponta Delgada, stated:

“Ponta Delgada takes full responsibility for being a partner in the enforcement of fundamental values, such as integrity. This alliance with SIGA represents a qualitative leap in the promotion of exemplary behavior in sport and in the regulation of the entities that are involved in this environment. I refer to values such as integrity, transparency, solidarity and true scrutiny.”

About SIGA

SIGA is the world’s largest coalition in the field of sports governance and integrity. Supported by more than 100 international multi-industry organizations, SIGA is an independent and neutral body whose mission is to bring about meaningful reforms and enhance the integrity of all sports through a set of universal standards operated by an independent and neutral body.

SIGA brings together sports, governments, academia, international organizations, sponsors, NGOs and professional services companies from every region in the world, around the common cause of fostering greater integrity throughout sports.

AS USA is a proud supporter of the Sport Integrity Global Alliance.