Can Argentina really retire Messi’s number 10 shirt?

The president of the AFA is clear about what they will do when Lionel Messi decides to end his career, but it may not be so easy.

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Lionel Messi reached the pinnacle of his international career with the Argentine national team in Qatar 2022 by winning the FIFA World Cup, a triumph that eluded him for years and solidified his status as one of the greatest, if not the greatest, footballers in history. The final between France and Argentina was one of the most thrilling in World Cup history, ending in a 3-3 draw and proceeding to a penalty shootout. Argentina, with Messi as the captain and standout player, clinched their third World Cup star for the shirt.

Messi’s ‘10′ could be no more for Argentina

In what is a significant move, Claudio Tapia, president of the Argentine Football Association (AFA), announced plans to retire the legendary number ‘10′ jersey of the national team once Messi retires. “When Messi retires from the national team, we will not allow anyone else to wear the number 10 after him,” he said. “This number will be retired for life in his honour. It’s the least we can do for him.”

This decision is notable as the number ‘10′ jersey, before being worn by the FC Barcelona legend, was famously donned by Diego Armando Maradona, who is also considered one of the greatest players in the history of the sport.

Messi, currently the captain of Inter Miami, is enjoying his time in Major League Soccer, a move he made after his stint with PSG. He played a pivotal role in leading Inter Miami to their first-ever title, the Leagues Cup, where he was named the MVP of the tournament. His new challenge is to take the team further.

FIFA World Cup squad number rules

It’s worth noting, however, that for FIFA World Cups, national squads can only announce squads of 26 players. This was increased from 23 at the 2022 edition in Qatar. The shirt numbers are traditionally 1-26 so there is a question over whether Argentina would have special dispensation, or whether they’d have to go with just 25 players. And there is a precedence.

Prior to the 2002 World Cup, the AFA sought to pay tribute to Diego Maradona by excluding the number 10 from their squad list, which numbered players 1 through 24. FIFA, though, disallowed this gesture. FIFA’s president at the time, Sepp Blatter, proposed that the number 10 jersey be worn by Roberto Bonano, Argentina’s third-choice goalkeeper. In response, the AFA revised their squad list, assigning the number 10 to Ariel Ortega, who was initially designated as number 23.

For what it’s worth, my view is that they don’t retire it. Great players come and go. Let the next one take over the number 10 and allow the iconic shirt continue. Obviously the one with the GOAT’s name on it will already have been retired when the player hangs up his boots.

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