Despite Bayern’s best efforts, Alphonso Davies chooses Real Madrid

Bayern are trying hard to convince Davies to stay, but the full-back has chosen Real Madrid and hopes for a transfer this summer.


Real Madrid are clear about the name they want to occupy the left back slot in the coming years: Alphonso Davies. He is the favourite of the club and also of Carlo Ancelotti: his arrival would bring Madrid back to the idea of having a starting left-back with a clear offensive profile, something that has been a key part of the side since the arrival of Roberto Carlos to Madrid in 1996, followed by the 16 years that Marcelo played in white.

Since 2019, the owner of that side of the pitch has been Ferland Mendy, a defensive specialist highly appreciated by Carletto, but someone who does not quite fit into the historical context of the position. His contract ends in 2025 and Madrid will listen to offers, since the idea is to bring in Davies this summer. As for the Canadian, he is committed to making that deal happen.

Madrid pick the perfect moment to move

Davies’ contract ends in 2025 and at the moment he has not renewed with Bayern. Last year they began talks to move in the right direction, but the instability that the German club experienced, including a change on the bench, led them to stop them and rethink their situation; Madrid saw the way the water was flowing and decided to act.

The strategy was always clear from the Spanish capital: with the player a year away from the end of his contract, Madrid want to sign him at a reasonable price, with the risk for Bayern being losing him for free in 2025. It is a similar situation to that of Toni Kroos, who arrived in 2014 in exchange for only €25 million ($27m).

Alphonso Davies warming up before playing a match with Bayern.ANGELIKA WARMUTHREUTERS

Bayern still have faith that they can convince Davies to sign

At Madrid they trust that the good relationship with Bayern will help them reach a fair amount; they are also aware that the German club have always been forward thinking regarding their financial solvency, prioritising their accounts before anything else.

However, Bayern still have faith that they can convince Davies to sign a new contract, as reported a few days ago Sky Germany. According to the media outlet, Davies is asking for a salary of €20 million gross and Bayern are not moving from a figure that hovers around €13m/€14m, with the extension running until June 2029.

Davies moved to Bayern from the Vancouver Whitecaps.

Bayern want to fight for Davies: contract talks ‘progressing positively’

Bayern’s sporting director, Christoph Freund, recently made statements in which he conveyed a certain optimism in relation to the possibility that Davies will continue in Munich: “It is not at all unlikely. There are conversations underway and they are progressing positively and openly. We will see in the coming weeks how they develop.”

However, AS understands that these words are based on the possibility of Davies wanting to continue in Germany and that is not the case, at least for now: he knows of Madrid’s interest and hopes that both clubs reach an agreement this summer to change sides.

There is always the possibility that Bayern will hide behind Davies’ current contract and force him to remain in Munich until 2025. In that case, Madrid would wait until then to sign him for free, although this is not the club’s preferred option. It is not Bayern’s usual way of acting either, meaning it is a scenario that is unlikely.

In a blink of an eye the situation can change, but the Spanish club consider the Canadian a priority that must arrive as soon as possible. The conversations between clubs will take place as the summer market approaches, but Davies is clear: he is betting on a change of club and on joining a Madrid side containing Vinicius, Courtois, Camavinga, Valverde, Rodrygo... and if all goes well, Mbappé.

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