Hundreds of Barcelona badge ecstasy pills seized by German police
Sevilla - Barcelona: Copa del Rey quarter-final

German police have seized hundreds of ecstasy tablets in the shape of FC Barcelona’s badge at German customs in the city of Cologne.
Pink-coloured pills

Along with the pink-coloured pills depicting the Catalan club’s crest, there are also a number of pills pressed with the logo of Italian car brand, Porcshe. The German Customs Investigation Bureau are investigating the matter.
Earlier this year, a drug expert with the Advisory Council on the Misuse of Drugs (ACMD), reported that ecstasy pills are increasingly being marketed with child-friendly logos, including Darth Vader, R2D2, Mickey Mouse, as well as teddy bear tablets.
Retro-kitsch market
The expert told The Guardian that said she doubted illegal drug manufacturers were actively trying to “entice children into a web of drug addiction”. It was more likely an attempt to appeal to the retro-kitsch market popular among young people.