Infamous fight with Jesús Gil José María Caneda was one of the guests on Onda Cero programme El Transistor last night and during the show the former Compostela president recalled the altercation he had with his Atlético de Madrid counterpart, Jesús Gil over twenty years ago. It was 8th March 1996, Gil turned at the LFP headquarters in Madrid flanked by two bodyguards and closely watched by the media. A slanging match began and soon turned ugly - ending in fists flying...
(Gil to Caneda): "You're a thief"
(Compostela CEO José González Fidalgo to Gil): "And you're a son a of a bitch"
At that point, González Fidalgo was smacked full in the face by the Atlético president .
(Fidalgo to Gil): "You're a mountain of shit, that's what you are".
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Fists fly in Compostela Caneda explained: "He was angry with comments I had made about him; I'd said 'how could an animal like him become mayor of Marbella'. But what really angered him was what happened during a meeting in Toledo which was to do with the pools, in which he and [Deportivo president, Augusto Cesár] Lendoiro were taking part and he called me a 'arse-licker'. I hit straight back at him: I called him a waste of space - a lump of lard with eyes - and he didn't like that.
Jesús Gil death threat "The insults continued and he even threatened me: 'If you come to Madrid, I'll kill you'. I decided to attend a meeting in Madrid and that was when it all kicked off. The only thing I remember is that we had actually been quite good friends before all of that. And eight days afterwards we made the peace and returned to being friends. I still am in touch with members of his family. Some time later I went to the Calderón to try to sign [Luboslav] Penev. But he wouldn't let us have the player. He was a brute but he wasn't a bad person. He attacked when he felt threatened", the ex-Compostela president explained.