Coronavirus could cause 3,000 deaths in one day in the US
Despite efforts being made by authorities across the US, the number of Covid-19 cases keeps increasing, with experts predicting that at the peak of the virus thousands of people will die every day.

The number of coronavirus cases continues to increasing in the United States and experts are predicting that at the peak of the virus thousands of people will be killed by Covid-19.
According to the White House experts the coming two weeks are crucial in the quest to save lives across the United States, however according to scientific data it is predicted that at the peak of the coronavirus pandemic more than 3,000 people will die in a single day (3,130 on April 16).
The University of Washington’s Institute for Health Metrics has run the numbers to create graphs showing the possible number of deaths that Covid-19 is likely to cause, along with the potential shortages of hospital beds. The information provided by the institute backs up Governor Andrew Cuomo’s suggestion that the pandemic will peak on Thursday, April 9 in New York, well before the peak across the rest of the country.
If the virus keeps spreading as it has been across the empire state it is predicted that at least 878 people will die from Covid-19 on the peak day - that's why the governor is demanding more medical equipment is put in place as soon as possible, because there are shortages of almost 12,500 hospital beds, with a requirement that at least 6,000 of them should be in intensive care units.
The US will reach its peak in a few days
The peak across the nation is expected to hit in 10 days, on April 16, and according to the predictions at least 3,310 people will die in a single day due to the coronavirus pandemic. By August 4, a total of 81,766 will be reported dead and if these numbers become reality, then the US will be short of more than 36,500 hospital beds.
So far the United States has a total of 362,995 coronavirus cases confirmed, 10,735 people have died and 18,029 have recovered. The states more affected by the virus are New York, New Jersey, Michigan, California and Florida.