Coronavirus UK

Coronavirus: Boris Johnson's letter to UK households arrives

The UK Prime Minister issued a letter to every home in the country advising people to obey the guidelines that have been given as part of the lockdown.


With the UK death toll having past 5,000, and the peak number of cases not yet reached, the letter issued by the country's prime minister, Boris Johnson, arrived through the doors of 30 million British households.

In this letter the PM - who is currently being held in the intensive care unit of a London hospital - warns people that the worst of the coronavirus crisis is yet to come and that stricter lockdown measures could be enforced "if that is what the scientific and medical advice tells us we must do." Clearly when the letter was issued, Johnson did not believe that he would be suffering from the coronavirus that has had a devastating effect around the world.

Boris Johnson's letter to the UK

The letter reads: "We know things will get worse before they get better. But we are making the right preparations, and the more we all follow the rules, the fewer lives will be lost and the sooner life can return to normal. ...That is why, at this moment of national emergency, I urge you, please, to stay at home, protect the NHS and save lives."

The minister for the cabinet office, Michael Gove, echoed Johnson's worst-is-still-to-come sentiments, saying the UK should be prepared to be on lockdown for a "significant period".

"I can’t make an accurate prediction," Gove told the BBC's Andrew Marr programme, "but everyone does have to prepare for a significant period when these measures are still in place."

With Johnson seemingly out of action, his cabinet lead the fight against Covid-19, with Gove and First Secretary of State, Dominic Raab taking over many of the PM's duties.

Check out our in-depth guide to the coronavirus pandemic.

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