
“Grossly incompetent” Trump dismisses Obama over second Covid-19 criticism

During the coronavirus pandemic the 44th president of the U.S. Barack Obama has decided to attack Trump’s administration for how they handled the outbreak.

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On Saturday the United States decided to honor the graduating class of 2020, whose celebrations have been affected by the coronavirus pandemic. During the event, former president Barack Obama told the graduates that the “folks in charge” don’t always know what they are doing. This was the second time Obama attacked Trump’s administration for how they have handled the outbreak.

"This pandemic has fully, finally torn back the curtain on the idea that so many of the folks in charge know what they're doing. A lot of them aren't even pretending to be in charge. If the world is going to get better, it’s going to be up to you," said Obama in a virtual commencement address.

Later that day Obama appeared again on the show called “Graduate Together” that was hosted by NBA star Lebron James and there he had a few more words left directed to president Donald Trump without mentioning his name.

“You know, all those adults that you used to think were in charge and knew what they were doing, turns out they don't have all the answers. A lot of them aren't even asking the right questions," he said.

Donald Trump dismissed Obama’s criticism

After listening to Obama’s attacks yet again, on Sunday president Donald Trump decided to dismissed the 44th president of the United States as “grossly incompetent” and then he told reporters at the White House that administration officials “had a great weekend” during a working trip to Camp David.

“We did a lot of terrific meetings, tremendous progress is being made on many fronts, including coming up with a cure for this horrible plague that has beset our country. Look, Obama was an incompetent president. That’s all I can say. Grossly incompetent” Trump replied when asked about Obama’s comments the day before.

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