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Why is Hunter Biden under investigation for his taxes?

The President's son is being investigated by the FBI for his overseas business dealings and the Biden family have been warned of additional scrutiny.

The President's son is being investigated by the FBI for his business dealings overseas and the Biden family have been warned of additional scrutiny.
Oliver Contreras / Pool via CNP GTRES

The federal investigation into the tax affairs of Hunter Biden, the President’s son, are still ongoing with the IRS Criminal Investigation agency and the FBI taking the lead. As a former businessman and lobbyist the 50-year-old has built extensive contacts, many of which are overseas, and was the subject of attack from former President Trump during the 2020 election campaign.

Perhaps aware of the increased scrutiny that his family will be under while he is in the White House, President Joe Biden has reportedly told relatives to be careful with their business dealings. The President is not implicated in the investigation in any way.

Hunter Biden’s tax affairs spark federal criminal investigation

The news that federal authorities had reopened investigations in Hunter Biden’s taxes was first announced in December of last year. The IRS and FBI had been investigating his business dealings for some before then but were not able to go public on the probe until after the election.

Department of Justice guidelines prohibit action which could influence the course of an election, and a public investigation into a candidate’s family was deemed to cross this line. The decision was made by then Attorney General William Barr, who has since fallen out with Trump for his refusal to go public earlier.

CNN have reported that the investigation spans numerous avenues, looking into possible tax violations in business dealings with foreign countries and potential violation of money laundering laws. In part the investigation was sparked by business transactions with individuals linked to other investigations.

When news of the investigation became public, Hunter Biden released a statement saying that he is taking the matter “very seriously” but added that he is “confident that a professional and objective review of these matters will demonstrate that I handled my affairs legally and appropriately.”

President warns family over business ties

Aware of the enormous scrutiny that the President must deal, Biden reportedly told family members to be careful with their business dealings before he had even taken office. A POLITICO report states that, during the election campaign last year, he issued a warning to his brother, Frank.

For Christ’s sake, watch yourself,” Biden told his brother, according to someone with knowledge of the conversation. “Don’t get sucked into something that would, first of all, hurt you.”

During the election campaign, Hunter Biden was the subject of numerous attacks from then President Trump in an attempt to discredit his father. Trump not only questioned the nature of his business dealings but launched more personal attacks on his history with drug abuse.

Much like Hunter, Frank Biden’s business dealings have been under increased scrutiny in recent days. His ties to a consulting firm who lobbied on behalf of an oil distribution company during the Obama administration have hit the headlines recently, suggesting that the President was right in his warnings.

“Frank [Biden] made it clear to me what the president made clear to him: The day he got elected, the long knives came out for all things Biden,” said Florida super attorney and Democratic donor John Morgan. “There’s a target on all of them.”