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Golden State Stimulus in California coming in September: what to do before its arrival

Payments for the 2nd round of Golden State Stimulus checks are slated to go out on 1 September, what do you need to do to claim? Our team took a look.

Payments for the 2nd round of Golden State Stimulus checks are slated to go out on 1 September, what do you need to do to claim? Our team took a look.
Maite Knorr-Evans
Maite joined the AS USA in 2021, bringing her experience as a research analyst investigating illegal logging to the team. Maite’s interest in politics propelled her to pursue a degree in international relations and a master's in political philosophy. At AS USA, Maite combines her knowledge of political economy and personal finance to empower readers by providing answers to their most pressing questions.

In just a few weeks, Californians will take to the polls in the recall election of Governor Gavin Newsom. Shortly after, two-thirds of the state will receive a Golden State Stimulus (GSS) check worth $600 or $1,100.

When will the checks be sent?

On 28 August, Governor Newsom announced that the first round of checks would be sent this week.

The California Tax Franchise Board (CTFB) has said stated that “Most direct deposit stimulus payments will be issued between September 1, 2021 and October 15, 2021.”

Those who have told the state government that they wish to receive their tax refund through direct deposit will also see their GSS check sent to that account. For those that file their taxes after 20 August, a forty-five-day waiting period should be expected.

Physical Check

The timeline for the distribution of physical checks depends on the zip code of the recipient. The CTFB states on their website that “If your tax return is processed after the date of your scheduled ZIP code payment, allow up to 60 days.

The only action that must be taken, according to the CTFB, is “File a complete 2020 tax return to get your stimulus payment. If you've already filed, you don't have to do anything.”

Payment Schedule for Physical Checks

Last 3 digits of ZIP code 

Mailing timeframes


10/04/2021 through 10/22/2021


10/18/2021 through 11/05/2021


11/1/2021 through 11/19/2021


11/15/2021 through 12/03/2021


11/29/2021 through 12/17/2021


12/13/2021 through 12/31/2021

Source: California Tax Franchise Board, 2021

How has the pandemic impacted the economic well-being of households in California?

California has been hit hard by the pandemic.

One study conducted by Covered California, the state’s health insurance market place found that 40 percent of residents knew someone who had tested positive for covid; tragically, one in four respondents reported knowing someone who had died due to their infection.

From an economic standpoint, Covered California also found that “A majority of Californians (62 percent) say they — or someone in their household — have lost their job or seen their income reduced.”

In April 2021, results of a survey conducted by the American Academy of Pediatrics, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Prevent Child Abuse America & Tufts Medical Center aiming to understand how families have faired during the pandemic were released.

Kids Data, a child advocacy organization, reported on the findings which included, 43 percent of caregivers in California reporting that their economic situation had worsened during the pandemic. Caregivers were defined as “adults with caregiving responsibilities for children ages 0-17.“

Around a third of caregivers also reported that they “were unemployed, had left the workforce, or reduced their employment."

The survey also asked if families had accessed any “social safety net resources such as food banks and public health insurance” for the first time. The results showed that 11 percent had taken advantage of these resources for the first time between March and November 2020.

Immigrant families

Immigrants represent around 10 percent of the California workforce.

According to a report released by Congressman Don Beyer of Virginia, these workers are overrepresented in essential sectors and industries like food processing and agriculture, where they form around 69 percent of the workforce.

Many immigrants in the state live in mixed-status households and were unable to claim federal stimulus checks or unemployment benefits.

California has tried to account for these missed payments by making those who file taxes with an Individual Tax Identification Number (ITIN) rather than a Social Security Number eligible to receive the Golden State Stimulus checks. ITINs allow residents to file taxes regardless of immigration status.

For those who file their taxes using an ITIN who had an annual gross income of under $75,000 and are in the care of a dependent, a $1000 check will be distributed. During the first round of GSS checks sent in the Spring, those filers who used an ITIN and made under $75,000 were edible for a $600 check.

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However, it is important to note that if a check was distributed during the first round, another will not be sent unless the filer is in the care of a dependent, as mentioned in the situation above.

 If you have not done so already, there is still time to claim this benefit by submitting a tax return to the CTFB. 

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