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Capital One to compensate clients with $190 million: Who is eligible and how to apply

Due to a data breach, Capital One will compensate its clients with $190 million. Learn who is eligible and how to apply.

Capital One repartirá $190 millones entre sus clientes: Quién puede recibir la indemnización y cómo solicitarla
Bill Tompkins
Estados Unidos Update:

In 2019, Capital One bank was hit by a cyber attack that resulted in the exposure of millions of its customers’ data. The incident led to a collective complaint against the bank by its customers. After a long legal process, Capital One agreed to pay $190 million in compensation to the 98 million affected customers. However, not all customers have claimed their payment yet, and the deadline is approaching soon.

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Who Is Eligible?

According to the official Capital One website dedicated to the settlement, the payments will be made to 98 million customers identified by the company as affected by the leak.

How will it be paid to each affected customer?

All those affected will receive a payment worth around $707 dollars.

How to request compensation of $190 million

If you are one of the millions who had their data leaked, you should have received an e-mail notification on or around September 30, 2022. If you did receive a message from the company, you have until November 27 of this year to respond to said email and select your payment method. All payments will be made digitally through EpiqPay.

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If you were a bank customer in March 2019 and believe that your information may have been compromised but you did not receive mail, you can verify your status as a member of the Conciliation Group by calling 1-855-604-1811 or by emailing the Settlement Administrator at info@CapitalOneSettlement.com.

What will happen to unclaimed payments?

If you do not claim your digital payment by November 27, the institution will assume that you want to receive compensation physically. In that case, a paper check will be sent to the last known address the company has on file between two and four weeks after the digital payment deadline.

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