Super Tuesday presidential primaries live online: Latest updates as voters in 15 states cast their ballots

Super Tuesday: Latest Updates
Super Tuesday Headlines: 5 March 2024
What you need to know about Super Tuesday
- Which states vote on Super Tuesday?
- Which Super Tuesday states have same-day voter registration?
- What time do the polls open and close in all Super Tuesday states?
What to keep in mind on Super Tuesday
The first results from Vermont and Virginia and the races have been called for Presidnet Biden in the Democratic Primary.
And that is a wrap on our election night coverage. Thanks for tuning back and make sure to check back on our Latest News homepage for more on the upcoming elections and results as they continue to come in tomorrow.
A super night for Donald Trump
Donald Trump is expected to win the GOP primary elections in Alabama, Arkansas, Colorado, Maine, Massachusetts, Minnesota, North Carolina, Oklahoma, Tennessee, Texas, Virginia. Vermont remains too close to call, and many states on the West Coast have not yet begun to report results.
Watch Donald Trump respond to Super Tuesday results
Follow the link to watch Donald Trump address a crowd on Super Tuesday, where he will likey surpass the 1000 delegate threshold.
More uncommitted ballots have bee cast so far in the North Carolina Democratic primary than in 2016 and 2020. More than 39,000 uncommitted votes were cast, but only slightly over half of all votes were counted.
Uncommitted votes in North Carolina hit 10 percent in the Democratic Primary with nearly a third of ballots counted so far.
Race continues to be too close to call in Vermont, with Nikki Haley and Donald Trump tied with 48 percent of the vote with a third of the votes counted.
Arkansas Democratic Primary called for President Biden
Just as the polls closed and results began to role in, the Democratic primary in Arkansas has been called for President Biden.
Uncommitted vote could surpass 2016 level in the Democratic Primary
Pro-Palestinian organizers have urged those angered by President Biden's handling of the humanitarian crisis in Gaza to vote uncommitted or no preference in the North Carolina election. In 2016, 37,485 votes voted no preference, and so far with three percent of the vote counted, over 1400 voters have cast their ballot as uncommitted. Not all of these votes form part of the protest, but if the numbers keep on their current track they could reach close to 50,000.
Polls will close in 30 minutes in Maine, Massachusetts, and Tennessee.
Polls close in North Carolina.
Trump projected to win in Virginia
The projection of Donald Trump to win the Republican primary in Virginia underscores his control of the Republican party. With 10% of the vote counted, Trump has nearly 2/3 of the vote (63.6%) compared to Nikki Haley's 34.3%.
48 delegates are up for grabs.
Polls close and President Biden is declare the winner immediately
Minutes after the polls have closed in Vermont, the race is being called for President Biden. A total of 90,000 votes are expected to have been cast in the election.
Pro-Palestinian organizers urged voters to select "no preference"
Following a similar move in Michigan, organizers in Massachussets have urged democratic primary voters frustrated with the president's handling of Gaza to cast their vote for "no preference." As the results come in, we will evaluate the strength of the push in the final days of the primary campaign season.
Getting closer to the results...
Ten minutes until the first polls close!
Where will the polls close first?
The polls in Vermont and Virginia will be the first to close at 7 PM ET. Results can be expected shortly after.
Races to watch
Today, voters will only be casting a ballot in the presidential primary in both states, with the primary for other races later this year. Donald Trump and Joe Biden are likely to win their respective elections.
Both states have a Senate seat up for grabs, but the primaries for these elections will not take place until the summer.
What to watch for this Super Tuesday | #1: California's Senate Race
The top three contenders for California's Senate seat, left vacant by the passing of Diane Feinstein, are all members of the House of Representatives.
Adam Schiff leads with the support of many critical Democratic leaders including former Speaker of the House, Nancy Pelosi as well as eighty percent of the Golden States Democratic Congressional nomination. Congresswoman Barbara Lee, who represents Oakland and the surrounding area has set herself apart from other candidates in the race by touting her foreign policy record and agenda. As a growing number of people grow distressed and horrified by the White House's blanket support for the Israeli governments military assault on Gaza, Con. Lee has called for a ceasefire and diplomatic negotiations that bring an end of the circles of violence in the region. Congresswoman Katie Porter brings a younger face to the campaign, hoping to attract voters with her progressive values and personal story. Con. Portar is known for her white board and putting the feet of CEO's to the fire during committee hearings. Con. Porter currently trails behind Con. Schiff, who was overtaken in a recent poll by Republican Steve Garvey, a self-described 'Professional Baseball Representative.'
In California, the two candidates, regardless of party affiliation, with the highest total votes make it onto the November ballot.
Last chance saloon for Haley?
The Republican primaries are a little more interesting in comparison to Democrats, if only slightly.
Nikki Haley has her last chance to challenge Donald Trump for the Republican nomination. She has struggled in every campaign so far, with a particularly bruising result in her home state of South Carolina. Should she lose by any margin then there will be virtually no way to challenge Trump, who would then be confirmed as his party’s candidate for November 2024.
What is at stake for Democrats?
No opponent has come close to challenging Democrat incumbent president Joe Biden. Despite worries from voters about his age and suitability for office, the party has offered up no one to seriosuly oppose him. This could be a worry come November if recent polling is to be believed. The president was dealt a bloody nose by voters in the key swing-state of Michigan last week, with more than 100,000 Democrat voters turning their back on him; such an amount come November would result in him losing the state.
This year, 16 states and one US territory are involved in chOosing who the favored Democratic or Republican candidate to be at the top of the November 2024 ballot on 5 March, 2024. Most states have both party primaries on the same day.
Arizona Kyrsten Sinema abandons re-election bid
Arizona Kyrsten Sinema abandons re-election bid in highly competitive race. Both parties will be investing in the state, with Democrats hoping to maintain their majority and Republicans looking to take control.
There have been temporary outages of Meta platforms on Super Tuesday, which has raised some suspicions on social media. Although these outages are not likely to be connected, they may limit voters' access to information as millions prepare to cast their ballots.
Starting a little after 10 am on the East Coast, 7 am on the West Coast loads of Facebook users began reporting issues with the social media platform. Over 500,000 reported problems with nearly three quarters saying they were related to logging in according to Downdetector.
Users have also reported issues with Instagram and Facebook Messenger but to a lesser extent. While the majority of the users reporting problems with Facebook were on the West Coast, reports of issues on the other two platforms were focused in the East. Thread also saw a spike in outage reports at the same time across the US.

Super Tuesday is here and voters in sixteen states will cast ballots that could cement who should be the presidential nominee for the Democratic and Republican parties. / Loren Elliott / REUTERS
Which states vote on Super Tuesday?
With Democrats holding a one vote majority in the Senate, if Vice President Kamala Harris casts her tie breaking vote. However, the Democrats could lose their majority in November, with many competitive seats up during this election cycle.
Elections will take place in Arizona, California, Connecticut, Delaware, Florida, Hawaii, Indiana, Maine, Maryland, Massachusetts, Michigan, Minnesota, Mississippi, Missouri, Montana, Nebraska, Nevada, New Jersey, New Mexico, New York, North Dakota, Ohio, Pennsylvani, Rhode Island, Tennessee, Texas, Utah, Vermont, Virginia, Washington, West Virginia, Wisconsin, and Wyoming.
In Arizona, Democrat turned independent, Kyrsten Sinema is fending off both Democratic and Republican challengers to hold onto her seat. In California, a threeway race between three Congresspeople from the Golden State, Barbara Lee, Katie Porter, and Adam Schiff has become one of the most competitive primaries for the liberal caucus. Lee has separated herself from other two candidates by touting her record on foreign policy and being the only one of the group urging a ceasefire in Gaza. Unlike Schiff who was also in the House at the time, Lee voted against both the invasion of Iraq and Afghanistan.
Trump expected to snatch electors in Minnesota
Some of the most recent pulling out of Survey USA and KSTP found that Donald Trump has a huge advantage in the GOP primary over Nikki Haley. Haley has only won the GOP primary in Minesota and is looking for her luck to change tonight... So far, it looks like an uphill battle.
Millions of Americans on Super Tuesday will have a chance to cast a ballot for the candidates they want on the ballot for either the Democratic or Republican Party in November. Sixteen states and one US territory will hold a primary or caucus on Super Tuesday.
Over a third of all possible delegates for each party will be up for grabs. The results are expected to cement the frontrunner positions of incumbent President Joe Biden and former President Donald Trump.
Read more on the opening and closing times of polling locations in each of the Super Tuesday states.
Super Tuesday is a crucial day in the American political primary calendar.
On Super Tuesday, a large number of states hold primary elections on the same day, which means that a great number of delegates are assigned to candidates that remain in the race. The results of the election event can help candidates recover from deficits from previous primaries or strengthen their lead with little chance of being overtaken. This year, 16 states and one US territory are involved in choosing the favored Democratic or Republican candidate to be at the top of the November 2024 ballot on March 5, 2024. Most states have both party primaries on the same day. Read more.