The superfruit that’s good for muscles and helps prevent osteoporosis
Those seeking to improve the development of muscle tissue and strengthen their bones can use this natural source that has the nutrients for these purposes.

Many people try to improve their physical appearance by aiming for an increase in muscle mass. In order to bulk up their bodies, there are those who resort to protein shakes. However, there is a food that can help achieve the same effect in a more natural way- prunes, also recognized as a superfruit.
This fruit, rich in fiber, potassium, iron, carbohydrates and antioxidants, helps to increase insulin-like growth factor 1 (IGF-1) concentrations. It is a protein that regulates the effects of growth hormones and also promotes the development of muscular tissue and bones. Therefore, they are used both in preventive treatments for osteoporosis and for muscle development programs.
Prunes are beneficial for preventing the effects of osteoporosis, according to the findings of a study carried out at the Oklahoma State University. Another study found that dried plums are very effective in preventing or reversing bone loss. They are rich in selenium and boron, both of which regulate bone metabolism and preserve bone mineral density.
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The recommended serving size is six prunes. This limit is set because they contain sorbitol, a type of carbohydrate that helps empty the intestines, so this fruit should not be abused and consumed in large quantities. Just with that small portion, iron and potassium levels will increase in your body, which you will notice through greater energy levels provided by the nutrients and improved blood flow.
An alternative to snacking between meals
The benefits of prunes do not end here. Their fiber levels also contribute to controlling glucose levels in the body and eliminating constipation. In addition, they increase the feeling of satiety. In this way, the temptation to munch on less healthy snacks between meals is reduced. Before making a drastic change in your diet, it is advisable to consult a specialist.