Video: F-18 fighter jet crashes at Zaragoza air base as pilot safely ejects
An F-18 plane lost control during an exhibition and crashed inside the air force base’s perimeter. The pilot has managed to jump to safety.
The Family Day exhibition at Zaragoza Air Base did not go as expected.
During the planned exercises, those present saw an accident featuring an F-18 aircraft. The plane began to fall and eventually crashed into a military installation in the Spanish city of Ebro. The crash took place at around 12:00, and the shock that culminated in the sharp fall of the fighter generated an explosion that did not go unnoticed. Shortly before, the pilot had managed to eject and deploy the parachute. He is in a local hospital, and according to Air Force sources, his condition is stable, but a bit scraped up from the accident.
Regarding the accident, as specified by the Civil Guard, the aircraft suffered “some problems” that led to the loss of control and the subsequent collision at the head of one of the runways on the Air Base. Fortunately, no one was killed or injured aside from the pilot.