Pokémon Legends Arceus: How much storage space does it take up on Nintendo Switch?
The Pokémon Company and Game Freak are finalizing the development of the video game which will transport us to Sinnoh's distant and mysterious past.

The Nintendo Switch is about to experience its first major release of 2022 with Pokémon Legends Arceus, a brand new title that is once again in charge of its main developer, Game Freak. A few days before its arrival on the market, it has just been confirmed how much it will occupy in the internal memory or SSD that we have installed on the console. According to the Japanese Nintendo eShop, it will occupy 6 GB.
Initially, the size that was made public was more than double, about 13 GB. However, the update of the Nintendo store in the Japanese territory sheds light on this matter and certifies a significant reduction in the weight of the file. Something similar happened with Pokémon Brilliant Diamond and Shining Pearl: originally it was said that it would occupy about 10 GB, but finally, the space required was 6.7 GB.
Compared to another upcoming Nintendo Switch release, Kirby and the Forgotten Land, the size is very similar, as the pink ball adventure will require 5.8 GB. Both titles offer three-dimensional worlds, although the approach is very different. Not surprisingly, Pokémon Legends Arceus promises to be the most extensive title in the franchise, as Game Freak has given a twist to the classic formula and embraced the open world.

In search of lost legends
Pokémon Legends Arceus will transport the player to a remote era in the Sinnoh region, the same one we traveled through in Diamond and Pearl. This is an era of legend, however, so many of the stories that have been passed down from generation to generation can be discovered in this brand-new adventure, in which we will also have to interact with numerous Pokémon. The origin of the Pokédex and other stories will be present in the video game.
There are only a few days left for the new Game Freak to see the light. It will be on January 28 when the title will debut exclusively for Nintendo Switch.
Source | Nintendo eShop