Pokémon Legends Arceus receives update 1.1.0. Check out all the new features and gifts
Pokémon Legends Arceus receives the free expansion 'Daybreak', an endgame content to expand the experience with new missions and challenges.

Pokémon Legends Arceus was not left out of Pokémon Presents for Pokémon Day 2022. After its release last January, Game Freak's Nintendo Switch title has just received its first major content update completely free of charge, Daybreak (version 1.1.0), which offers several hours of gameplay at no cost to all users. In addition, on the occasion of the twenty-sixth anniversary of the saga, The Pokémon Company has revealed a free gift that we can already claim with the following code. Check out all the details of this update.
Daybreak: Pokémon Legends Arceus update 1.1.0 now available for free
Daybreak is a free update in which we are in charge of investigating "mysterious mass outbreaks of Pokémon that are popping up all over the Hisui region", called Massive Mass Outbreaks. In addition, we can battle against powerful opponents, legendaries in a new game mode called Eternal Battle Reverie.

- Massive Mass Outbreaks: Massive Pokémon appearances are taking place in different places in Hisui. For some reason there are heavy rains in the region. Our mission is to investigate what is happening together with Warden Mai of the Diamond Clan and her partner Munchlax. We will be able to capture Pokémon with low appearance ratio and, consequently, being massive appearances the chances of seeing Alpha or shiny creatures increase.
- Eternal Battle Reverie: when we go to sleep in our residence, Arceus will appear in our dreams and will propose a power challenge. In this kind of boss rush or Battle Tower, we will face very powerful Pokémon in complex situations, such as having to fight against several legendaries at the same time. The goal is to chain as many victories as possible. It is essential to have completed all the assignments to play Eternal Battle Reverie.

New challenges and requests
- In addition to all of the above, we will be able to participate in new tests in Jubilife Village dojo. Confrontations against Guardians or challenging battles with restrictions such as being able to use only one Pokémon.
- Jubilife Village Photo Studio will have new guests.
- New requests to complete (from number 95 to 104).
Get 90 special Poké Balls for free with this code in Pokémon Legends Arceus.
To celebrate Pokémon Day, with the following code we will be able to get 30 Ultra Balls, 30 Gigaton Balls and 30 Jet Balls.

All you have to do is access the Mystery Gift menu and enter the password ARCEUSADVENTURE in your game before Thursday, March 31, 2022.
Source | Pokémon Arceus