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Pokémon HOME 2.0.0 is now available; all the new features and rewards
Pokémon HOME receives version 2.0.0 of the app, which adds support for recent games Pokémon Legends Arceus, Pokémon Brilliant Diamond and Shining Pearl.

Pokémon HOME publishes its long-awaited version 2.0.0, which is already available on iOS and Android mobile devices as well as on Nintendo Switch. Among the new features is the compatibility with Pokémon Legends Arceus, Pokémon Brilliant Diamond, and Pokémon Shining Pearl, and the rest of supported releases.
What rewards are included in Pokémon Home version 2.0.0?
If you own a copy of the previously mentioned titles, you will be able to receive some Pokémon with special stats. If you transfer one of Pokémon Legends Arceus to the Nintendo Switch version of Pokémon HOME, you will be able to receive Rowlet, Cyndaquil and Oshawott with maximum effort levels. You'll find them in the form of a mystery gift in the mobile version of Pokémon HOME. For Brilliant Diamond and Shining Pearl, you can get Turtwig, Chimchar and Piplup with Hidden Abilities by performing the same process.
What else is new in Pokémon Home version 2.0.0?
Given the plot situation in which Pokémon Legends Arceus is set, the company introduces the Strange Balls, a kind of special Pokéball that will present the Pokémon you transfer to the game from other modern releases.
The app expands the Pokédex with the different versions of the supported games, that is to say, now you will not only see the national Pokédex, but also the Sinnoh Pokédex (Brilliant Diamond and Shining Pearl) and Galar (Sword and Shield), among others. Of course, these Pokédex will only record the Pokémon that have been captured in their respective games.
Version 2.0.0 includes new achievements and stickers inspired by the Pokémon that have received support with this update. You should keep in mind that the save file you use must be up to date with the latest software update it has received.
Pokémon HOME is a free application that lets you transfer Pokémon from the main titles of the moment and receive gifts to use in them. It also has a paid subscription plan that allows you to expand its features.