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One Piece 1054, when will the next chapter of the manga be released? Date confirmed

We now know when the One Piece hiatus will end and what day and where we will be able to read chapter 1054, the one that begins the final arc of the story.


New reward posters, new emperors of the sea, new admirals... Without a doubt, Eiichiro Oda has said goodbye on a high point before going on vacation with how he left us in chapter 1053 of One Piece. Well, "vacation". The mangaka is not going to rest too much and has confessed that he will take the opportunity of this new hiatus, the longest he has ever taken, to "prepare the final story arc". Four weeks of biting our nails thinking about the possible battle between Luffy and Ryoukugyu, or comparing theories about Buggy, the ancestral weapon Pluto and what happened in the Levely. Let's see who keeps their sanity when this is over.

But that's the important thing, that the hiatus will end. Let's review when and where to read One Piece chapter 1054 for free. The manga will return on the same weekend as its 25th anniversary and just a few days before the release of its new movie centered on Shanks: One Piece RED. It's a perfect time to watch One Piece in order and jump on the bandwagon, or to review all those arcs and mysteries you skipped before the final push.

One Piece manga chapter 1054 release date and time

It's no big mystery. Eiichiro Oda's vacation will end next Sunday, July 24. It will be then when we will be able to read chapter 1054 of One Piece in Manga Plus. These are the schedules in which you can enjoy this work in the United States:

  • 11:00 AM ET
  • 10:00 AM CT
  • 8:00 AM PT

From then on, chapter 1054 will be available for free, in English, translated and with the best possible image quality both in the app and on the Manga Plus website. In this app you will find it in English, with the official translation and the best possible image quality. Oh, and best of all, free! No need to pirate. The publisher Shueisha is responsible for One Piece and Manga Plus, so it offers the first three chapters of the series and the last three (updating them every time a new one comes out) on the Manga Plus page. There is no excuse.