Nintendo says not all Nintendo Switch titles will be $70
Doug Bowser, president of Nintendo of America, talks about the future pricing of games, including The Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom.

If the latest generation of consoles has brought us anything, it has been an increase in the price of games. The jump from $60 to $70 is something that has been happening gradually, and although it is not part of all games, we know that it is coming to several companies. Among them is Nintendo, which will release The Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom at this new price in a few months.
Doug Bowser clears up doubts
While the next title in The Legend of Zelda franchise will have this increase, Nintendo has a particular view on the matter. During a recent interview with AP, Doug Bowser, President of Nintendo of America, assured that the price of this title reflects "an incredibly full, deeply immersive experience" when asked how they arrived at the $70 price for the title.
"We look at what the game has to offer. I think fans will find this is an incredibly full, deeply immersive experience," Bowser told the media outlet. "The price point reflects the type of experience that fans can expect when it comes to playing this particular game. This isn’t a price point that we’ll necessarily have on all our titles. It’s actually a fairly common pricing model either here or in Europe or other parts of the world, where the pricing may vary depending on the game itself."
Nintendo's upcoming titles in 2023
Looking at Nintendo's upcoming partial catalog of games for this year, so far only Tears of the Kingdom is the only one with a price increase. Big franchise titles for Nintendo like Pikmin 4 or the upcoming Bayonetta Origins: Cereza and the Lost Demon and Advance Wars 1+2: Reboot Camp will keep the $60 price tag.
The Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom is coming exclusively to Nintendo Switch on May 12.
Source | AP News