Square Enix
Final Fantasy VII Rebirth: How to skip the Nibelheim flashback in Chapter 1?
If you played the Final Fantasy VII Rebirth demo and want to skip the Nibelheim sequence in the main game, here’s how you can do so.

Final Fantasy VII Rebirth is finally out, and fans are already rushing into the title. But just a couple of weeks ago, Square Enix released a short demo and promised that you’d be able to skip what you played in it once the full game was released. Except, it’s not as simple as pushing a button.
To actually skip the Nibelheim flashback in Chapter 1 of the game, you’ll need to complete a couple of steps. Below you’ll find what you need to do to actually skip the demo section, but be warned that it’s not a full Chapter 1 skip, as there’s actually much more to it than what the demo allowed you to play. You’ll actually have to play for a bit before you get the chance to skip a few battles, some exploration, and other stuff.
- In the main menu, before playing for the first time, go to the Bonuses option. It’ll prompt the game to check for saved data from FFVII Remake, FFVII Episode INTERmission, and the FFVII Rebirth demo.
- Allow the game to check for saved data, and let the process finish. If done correctly you’ll receive confirmation.
- Select New Game and begin playing.
- Play through the opening sections of the game. This includes some very important scenes that aren’t in the demo. After the flashback starts, and the opening credits are done, you’ll get a notification that reads “Final Fantasy VII Rebirth Demo saved data confirmed. Players who have completed the demo can skip the mako reactor investigation and resume play from the village. Note that skipping will not affect gameplay. Skip to the village?”
- Choose the YES option, and you’ll be sent to a point after the Materia Guardian boss fight and the events that happen in the Mako Reactor.
As you can imagine, there is much more to Chapter 1 and the flashback than what was shown, but all of it is important bits of the story. We wouldn’t dare spoil even the tiniest bit of plot for those that want to enjoy it by themselves, whether they’ve played the original or are experiencing FFVII for the first time.

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Final Fantasy VII Rebirth is now available exclusively on PlayStation 5.