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Steam Year in Review 2023 is now available to see everything you played on PC

A new Year in Review is now available, this time allowing Steam users to see what they played and how much time they spent on the PC in 2023.


December is coming to a close and we are already in the final days of 2023. As it has been part of the last few weeks, different services and consoles have launched their Year in Review, allowing users to see how they spent their entertainment this year. On this occasion, it is Steam’s turn to allow its users to see what games they have played and how much time they have spent this year that is almost over.

How to access Steam’s Year in Review 2023?

To check out what you played throughout the year, all you have to do is go to this link. Here we log in to Steam, if we are not already logged in, and you will start seeing your year’s statistics. These contain many details, from the titles you played, to how many achievements you unlocked, all divided by months and the percentage of time you spent on each one. In addition to knowing your most played title of the year, we can also know how it was divided between the traditional keyboard and mouse, control, or even if we took advantage of the good Steam Deck.

If you need extra motivation to look at your Year in Review 2023, just like last year Steam will give you a special badge for doing it. It will be waiting for you in your inventory once you have reviewed it. Hope your 2023 year in review is full of well-played games.

Other Years in Review available for this 2023