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The Day Before devs are closing the studio and using the money to pay debts

Fntastic is closing its doors only four days after the release of The Day Before, which for years has been considered a ‘scam’ by the gaming community.

The Day Before estudio cierra pagar deudas

The actual life of The Day Before turned out to be extremely short. Four days after its release on Steam, its creators have decided to cut costs by taking a radical measure: closing the studio. In a statement posted on X(formerly Twitter), Fntastic assures that they do not have enough funds to continue. They claim that the money raised so far will be used to pay the bills that have appeared during the five years in which it was in development.

“Today, we announce the closure of Fntastic studio. Unfortunately,The Day Before has failed financially, and we lack the funds to continue. All income received is being used to pay off debts to our partners,” they begin. “We invested all our efforts, resources, and man-hours into the development of The Day Before, which was our first huge game. We really wanted to release new patches to reveal the full potential of the game, but unfortunately, we don’t have the funding to continue the work.”

The studio goes on to note that prior to launch they took no money from the public, neither in Kickstarter campaigns nor in pre-orders. “We worked tirelessly for five years, pouring our blood, sweat and tears into the game,’, they add. The future of The Day Before is uncertain. They point out that the servers will remain open until a date that has not yet been revealed, but apparently it will not have any type of support.

“We apologize if we didn’t meet your expectations. We did everything within our power, but unfortunately, we miscalculated our capabilities. Creating games is an incredibly challenging endeavor.” The game’s first hours on the market already had an answer to the game in the form of tens of thousands of reviews on Steam, branding the game with a rating of “overwhelmingly negative’. Many users on social networks called it a ‘scam’, comparing what was promised on the game’s trailers (which started being delisted from the game’s YouTube channel). Turns out, this time the reviews were devastating enough to get the game canceled.