‘The Last of Us’ Season 2’ gets director from ‘Succession’ and ‘Game of Thrones’
Mark Mylod to direct ‘The Last of Us’ Season 2 alongside Stephen Williams (‘Watchmen’), Nina Lopez-Corrado (‘The Mentalist’), and Kate Herron (‘Loki’)

Season 2 of ‘The Last of Us’, the HBO series which adapts the acclaimed Naughty Dog video game for PlayStation, is getting closer. And as expected, the last few days have been very intense for production. To start, we recently saw the first image from the shoot and now the arrival of a new director for the series: Mark Mylod.
Mylod directed numerous episodes of two of the most awarded series in history: ‘Game of Thrones’ and ‘Succession’, so it is a luxury reinforcement that is accompanied by several more signings, as pointed out by Deadline: Stephen Williams (‘Watchmen’), Nina Lopez-Corrado (‘The Mentalist’) and Kate Herron (‘Loki’)
The Last of Us Part 2 Remastered is now available
We don’t know to what extent the second season of the HBO series will be faithful to the game’s story, but if you want to enjoy it again – or discover it for the first time –, we remind you that its remastered version with graphic improvements and new features has just landed on PS5. In this link We tell you everything it includes.