What can you expect at Pokémon Presents 2024?
A new day of celebrating all things Pokémon is upon us. We grabbed our Crystal PokéBall to imagine what we’ll see tomorrow.

As announced last week, this year’s Pokémon Day celebrations will traditionally include a new Pokémon Presents to showcase the future, or at least this year’s, of the franchise. It’s a reason to celebrate, but what can we expect from the presentation? Here are our predictions for what to expect from the livestream.
What is Pokémon Day?
Pokémon Day is the day established to celebrate the release of Pokémon Red & Green, the first installments of the Pokémon franchise, in Japan in 1996 (the game is now 28 years old). Beginning as a Pokémon Direct and then moving on to Pokémon Presents, this day has become a celebration and the perfect date to unveil new trailers, news, and information related to the franchise.
What can we expect from Pokémon Presents?
Considering that Pokémon Presents isn’t just about games, we can expect a lot more from the franchise. Last year, they announced Pokémon Concierge, a stop-motion series coming in late 2023 (and recently revealed its second season), as well as updates for Nintendo Switch and smartphone games. As you can imagine, there’s a little bit of everything in these presentations.
But what can we expect this time around? Let’s take it one step at a time
On the gaming front
Since mid-January, rumors have been swirling about a new Pokémon remake coming to Nintendo Switch. Some speculate that it could be a remake of Pokémon Black & White, a title that debuted on the Nintendo DS, while others point to a remake of Pokémon Gold & Silver in the style of Pokémon Let’s Go. The idea is not crazy at all, considering the distribution of the games in recent years, having a remake of sorts between mainline installments. On the other hand, although there are no rumors about it, it would be surprising if we had a new installment within the Pokémon Legends sub-series. And considering the recent DLC, we can certainly expect some kind of special Pokémon to be distributed for Pokémon Scarlet & Violet.
At the August presentation, Pokémon added new games to the Nintendo Switch Online service with the arrival of Nintendo 64′s Pokémon Stadium 2 and GameBoy’s Pokémon Trading Card Game. While these were real surprises, it would be great to see new Pokémon titles on this service... even if it’s just a few spin-offs (last time we had the announcement of Detective Pikachu Returns, though).
As for smartphone titles, we can’t rule out updates for Pokémon GO, Pokémon Unite, Pokémon Masters EX or Pokémon Café Remix. It’s worth remembering that it was only last year that we were first introduced to Pokémon Sleep, so the possibility of seeing an update for that title is still open. We can also expect temporary events related to these games.
Trading Card Games
Also, Pokemon TCG will not be left out of the celebrations and we can expect a new set within this game. It is worth mentioning that a Ceruledge promo card will be available for this day, so we might see something about it.
While we were talking about Pokémon Concierge, The Pokémon Company has been working on several animations lately. Just in the last Pokémon Presents, ahead of the Pokémon World Championships, Pokémon Paldean Winds animations were announced, and a preview of Pokémon Horizons The Series was given. We can’t overlook the fact that Pokémon has been ramping up these raids lately, considering Pokémon: Path to the Peak, its Trading Card Game-related animation.
We could think of other possible announcements, but that would be too far-fetched. Maybe a first look at their theme park, PokePark Kanto, would be fantastic. However, we remain in suspense.
When is Pokémon Presents?
Finally, we’d like to remind you that Pokémon Presents will be held tomorrow, February 27, 2024, at 6:00 AM PT. You can find all the details here. Don’t forget to follow this event with us here, at Meristation USA.