Retro gamingA strange phenomenon is detected in these SNES and the investigation of the “rejuvenated consoles” enigma is onFrancisco Alberto Serrano AcostaOliver Betancourt17/03/2025 21:11
NintendoHe buys a sealed Game Boy at a ridiculous price: it has a resale value of 8,000 eurosRubén MartínezGabriel Huerta16/03/2025 16:33
He goes to his grandparents' house and finds a retro treasure that was confiscated because it was for adultsRubén MartínezGabriel Huerta10/03/2025 20:34
PSPPSP and the exploding battery problem: check yours before it's too lateRubén Martínez25/10/2024 17:11
RetroThe official game of ‘The Lion King’ and the real reason for its insane difficultyRubén Martínez14/07/2024 19:03
NintendoNES’ Super Mario Bros. enemies have been tricking us like this for forty yearsRubén Martínez14/03/2024 15:21
StreamingAGDQ 2024 Speedrunner Dog: The funny animal helped to complete NES’s GyromiteRubén Martínez17/01/2024 17:10