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UK NEWSWhat did Queen Elizabeth II think about Brexit? And what was her last request?As.com20/09/2022 05:50
WORLD NEWSThe funeral of Lady Di, one of the most watched events in historyGreg Heilman19/09/2022 16:10
UK NEWSWhy didn’t Princes Harry and Andrew wear military uniform at the Queen’s funeral?As.com19/09/2022 08:56
UK NEWSWho is David Hoyle, the dean of Westminster who will lead Elizabeth II’s funeral?As.com19/09/2022 05:42
Latest NewsSix countries, including Russia, have not been invited to Queen Elizabeth II’s funeral As.com19/09/2022 05:35
UK NEWSWhy are two minutes of silence observed instead of one for Elizabeth II’s passing?Andy Hall19/09/2022 04:42