SIGASIGA hands award in sport integrity to Mastercard's Michael RobichaudGidget Alikpala08/03/2022 15:06
SIGAKatie Simmonds, SIGA Global COO at Female Leadership in Sport summit: “Be an agent of change”David Nelson08/03/2022 19:45
SIGA“Stay in touch with your passion”: Baroness Sue Campbell’s message to female leadersJennifer Bubel08/03/2022 10:14
SIGASIGA WoW: Life after sport, how athletes change careersDavid NelsonReem Abdalazem02/02/2022 11:00
SIGALife after sport: athletes' career transitions | SIGAWoW’s eighth episodeReem Abdalazem01/02/2022 12:32
SPORT INTEGRITY GLOBAL ALLIANCE"The industry's reputation has been dragged through the mud"Aritz GabilondoDavid Nelson01/02/2022 07:42
SIGAEmanuel Macedo de Medeiros re-election as SIGA Global CEO approved by General AssemblyDavid Nelson31/01/2022 19:55
SIGASIGA Global Mentorship Program creating the next generation of female leadersReem Abdalazem27/01/2022 06:02
SIGAAzores and SIGA sign cooperation agreement to fight corruption in sportDavid Nelson18/01/2022 16:07
SIGAEuropean Rugby League earn SIGA's first Integrity in Sport certificationCalum Roche22/11/2021 10:23
SOCCERSIGA champion Louis Saha invites Cristiano Ronaldo to join the fight for sport integrityAritz Gabilondo04/11/2021 09:25