How long does a professional cheerleader’s career last? Average Dallas Cowboy Cheerleader’s tenure
Like any athlete, a Dallas Cowboys cheerleader cannot perform forever, and even veterans aren’t guaranteed a spot on the squad.

To become a Dallas Cowboys cheerleader is already an intense process, physically and mentally. To stay one may be even tougher.
First off, everyone must try out every year, regardless of if they’re a veteran or not. All cheerleaders must be at least 18 years old, but beyond that, there’s no age limit. Of course, they tend to be between 20-30 years old, for many reasons, predominantly athletic performance. Maintaining the kind of stamina necessary to perform at their level takes youth and energy.
What is the average tenure for a Dallas Cowboys cheerleader?
Usually Dallas Cowboys cheerleaders stay for between three to five seasons on average. The toll those high kicks and jump splits take on the body does not usually allow for more than that. Eventually families form, other careers develop, and life goes on beyond the Cowboys.
Of course, there are always exceptions.
What is the longest anyone has cheered as a DCC?
The longest anyone has cheered with the Dallas Cowboys is eight years, and that record is actually held by a pair of sisters - VonCeil and Vanessa Baker.
VonCeil cheered during the inaugural year of 1972 and Vanessa joined her the next year after cheering for the Cowboys as a high schooler before that.
Vanessa even received her Masters degree on the field during a game in 1977, as her graduation was scheduled for the same day as a home game.