Toni Kroos names his top four team-mates

The German chose two former Madrid teammates, Luka Modric and an old acquaintance from Munich. He left Benzema and Courtois out.

Fran SantiagoGetty

Toni Kroos has published #kroos90, a special interview where he answers questions from more than 90 international celebrities such as Robbie Williams, Roger Federer and Dirk Nowitzki. It was published both on paper and in digital format and the revenue generated will go largely to charity. German streamer Elias Nerlich wanted to know who was the best goalkeeper, the best defender, the best midfielder and the best striker in his career, regardless of whether they were his teammates or rivals. Of the current Real Madrid squad, the German midfielder only named one player.

“My entire career (more than 700 games) already shows that there had to be some extraordinary players, both in my teams and in rival teams. That is why it is very difficult to choose just a few. If I have to choose, I prefer these four: In goal, Manuel Neuer, both as a teammate and as a rival. Best defender: Sergio Ramos. Midfielder: Luka Modric. And in attack, clearly: Cristiano.”

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Tennis legend Roger Federer wanted to know which midfielder he worked best with on the pitch, to which Kroos replied: With Casemiro and with Luka Modrić, two who don’t shy away from defensive tasks, we were very compact defensively. On the other hand, we were also synonymous with football, control and special moments up front. The coordination between defence and attack was pretty perfect. Also because over the years, each of us knew which spaces to play in and which ones to defend. We didn’t have to talk to each other much during the game and we went out on the pitch with that confidence. I think the interaction with Modrić and Casemiro has come relatively close to perfection”, he explained.

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