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Fabio Rochemback: former Barcelona player arrested for involvement in cock fighting

The 35-year-old was arrested in Brazil for his involvement in a cock-fighting ring, he was also in trouble with the police in 2011 for a similar misdemeanour.

Rochemback en su etapa con el Barcelona

Former Barcelona and Middlesbrough midfielder Fabio Rochemback has been detained in Palmeira das Missoes, Brazil, for his part in a cock-fighting ring, according to Globoesporte. 

Rochemback caught red-handed

The 35-year-old was caught red-handed when the police carried out a raid. The authorities seized €25,000 and 89 cockerels

It is not the first time Rochemback has had a scrape with the law for cock-fighting. In 2011, the police found cockerels bred for fighting in his farm in Soledade, Brazil.  

Father denies his son's presence

Rochemback's father denied that his son was there are the time of the police said: "Fabio was with me at the farm in Soledades, but he has now returned to Porto Alegre," he told Globoesporte.