Coronavirus: IRS launches online portal to send $1,200 to people in need
The Internal Revenue Service is helping the people that didn’t do their taxes in 2018 or 2019 so they can still receive their stimulus check.

The 2020 tax season has been suspended and the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) has changed the deadline from April to June due to the coronavirus pandemic. The agency is also launching an online tool to help those who didn’t file their taxes in previous years to allow them to still get the $1,200 during the outbreak.
As part of the $2 trillion stimulus package, eligible taxpayers who filed returns for either 2018 or 2019 will get their check directly in their bank accounts during the next couple of weeks. The agency will launch another portal so people can track their checks and know when it will be deposited.
For the non-filers they can access this link and fill out the form provided by the IRS. Once you have completed the form the agency will look at them and if you qualify you will be receiving the money in your account. If you are married you will get $2,400 and if you have kids under 17 then the government will send you an extra $500 per child.
If you filed your taxes in the years mentioned earlier, then all you have to do is wait because the IRS started sending the first wave of checks on Monday, April 13. The agency will launch a portal on April 17 where people can log in and track the day they will receive the money.
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