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Happy New Year messages, images and memes

The Earth and its inhabitants have made another lap around the Sun and its time for a new journey, here are memes, quotes and jokes to bring in a New Year.

The Earth and its inhabitants have made another lap around the Sun and its time for a new journey, here are memes, quotes and jokes to bring in a New Year.
Wendell Teodoro
Greg Heilman

The start of a new year is a time to toss out the old and bring in the new, wiping the slate clean. A time to embark on new adventures and look forward to better times ahead.

After two years that have been trying to say the least, here are some memes to help give you a chuckle and bring a smile to your face. As well some inspiration for the days going forward.

Going into 2022 with some humor

This past year it was hoped would make up for a 2020 that had been one most would want to forget. However, covid-19 had other plans and it seems like nothing much has changed.

This is reflected in this meme for New Year’s 2022...

And one quip expresses that sentiment “I'm going to stay up late this New Year's Eve. Not to ring in the new year, but to make sure last year leaves.”

The New Year is also a time for trying to better oneself, and making resolutions to bring those improvements to fruition. But let’s be honest, sometimes those resolutions are a little too optimistic and it takes a lot of will power to follow through.

New Year's Resolution: To tolerate fools more gladly, provided this does not encourage them to take up more of my time.

James Agate

Fun sayings for resolutions and not following through on them

365 new days. 365 new excuses.

I was going to quit all my bad habits for the new year, but then I remembered that nobody likes a quitter.

My New Year's resolution is to not have one.

I love when they drop the ball in Times Square. It's a nice reminder of what I did all year.

May all your troubles last as long as your resolutions.

I would lose weight for my New Year's resolution, but I hate losing.

My New Year's resolution was to read more, so I turned on the subtitles on my TV.

First you take a drink, then the drink takes a drink, then the drink takes you.

F. Scott Fitzgerald

Looking to a brighter future in the New Year

Despite the trials and tribulations that life can throw at you, things don’t stay in a rut forever. To help see the silver lining that even hardship can bring or if you need a little inspiration going into 2022 here are some quotes that just might do the trick.

Helen Keller

"Your success and happiness lies in you. Resolve to keep happy, and your joy and you shall form an invincible host against difficulties."

Neil Gaiman

"I hope that in this year to come, you make mistakes. Because if you are making mistakes, then you are making new things, trying new things, learning, living, pushing yourself, changing yourself, changing your world. You're doing things you've never done before, and more importantly, you're doing something."

Benjamin Franklin

"Be at war with your vices, at peace with your neighbors, and let every new year find you a better man."

Oprah Winfrey

"Cheers to a new year and another chance for us to get it right."

Hal Borland

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"Year's end is neither an end nor a beginning but a going on, with all the wisdom that experience can instill in us."

Charles Kettering

"Every time you tear a leaf off a calendar, you present a new place for new ideas and progress."

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