How far is Russia from the USA?
Depending on where you are in the world, the distance between Russia and the US can differ between a few hundred feet and a few thousand miles.

The United States and the Russian Federation, formally the Soviet Union, had a tense and competitive relationship throughout most of the twentieth century. After the fall of the USSR many hoped that relations between the two countries would normalize, and for nearly thirty years, that seemed to be the direction in which relations were moving.
However, after the Russian invasion of Ukraine, tensions between the two nuclear powers have increased and many now wonder exactly how far Russia is from the US. A follow up question being whether both powers have nuclear weapons that would be able to travel those long distances.
In the middle of the Bering Strait which divides the US state of Alaska and the Russian Republic of Okhota sit the Diomede Islands --just a few miles apart-- one of which belongs to Russia and the other the US.
What are the closest points between the US and Russia?
The two islands that are separated by 2.4 miles and the international date line, are the closest points between the two world powers.
Funny enough, the closeness of the islands is reminiscent of the 2008 Saturday Night Live sketch were Tina Fey playing Sarah Palin remarked "I can see Russia from my house!" For the 115 people who lived on the US controlled island, Little Diomede Islands, the statement is actually true. However, after World War II, the Soviet Union moved the native population off the island over fears that it could lead to conflicts with the population on the Little Diomede.
What are the farthest points between the US and Russia?
The farthest point between the United States and Russia is between Maine and the Eastern point of the Russian Republic of Okhota. The total distance is around 37,500 miles.
How many time zones divide Russia and the US?
Both the United States and Russia cover eleven times zones, none of which overlap. This means that there are some parts of Russia that are twenty-one hours ahead of residents in the United States. This is the reality for those who live in Eastern cost of Russia and those who live in Hawaii.
Do both countries have intercontinental ballistic missiles?
During the height of the Cold War both countries developed intercontinental ballistic missiles that are capable of hitting the other's soil. Currently, Russia does have missiles within its arsenal that would be able to reach the United States in thirty minutes. The US does, however, have a nuclear defense system designed to identify these weapons and divert their path.