A veterinarian reveals on TikTok the five dog breeds he would choose to have at home
When considering welcoming a dog into your house for the first time it’s good to get the opinion of experts. Ben the vet shares his top five.

UK-based veterinarian ‘Ben the vet’ has revealed through TikTok, where he has more than 200,000 followers, what are the five dog breeds he would choose to have in his home. However, the Brit also highlights that, although these choices are due to his professional and personal experience, it is not an exact formula since each race has its own particularities.
Starting the list from the end, at number five is the Greyhound or English Greyhound, known for its speed. The reasons that place it in this ranking are, among others, how gentle these types of dogs tend to be and that they need “homes after their racing careers.” However, the veterinarian warns that it is necessary to take special care with the oral hygiene of this breed and take them for walks often so that they can get a good run in, at least 20 or 30 minutes a day.
Continuing in fourth position, it is followed by the Border Terrier, a breed that for ‘Ben the vet’ is ideal in the event that we are looking for a small dog: “If I was going to get a small dog, it would probably be my top choice,” Ben says. Despite generally having “robust” health, the expert also emphasizes that it is advisable to check for possible genetic problems specific to the breed.
In third position ‘Ben the vet’ is the Hungarian wire-haired Vizsla, albeit, this may be a niche choice as there aren’t that many around. However, he mentions this breed as an option becuase in his experience they are quite affectionate.
Among the most common diseases in this type of breed is hip dysplasia. Also it is a breed that needs plenty of exercise, so he would only get one if you are able to get them out and about a few times a day.
The Labrador is his third choice, a breed that for the expert is family-oriented, loyal and fun. However, he is conflicted as “they are genetically prone to a few different problems,” especially in the joints he points out. And they tend to get fat if their diet isn’t kept under control.
Finally, at the top of the ranking is the mongrel, “a proper licorice, all-sort mixed breed where you can tell what they are,” which is valued for its genetic diversity, which gives them greater resistance to hereditary diseases: “You don’t get the predictability... that you have with a pedigree dog,” but what you get is a potentially healthier companion he says.
While you don’t get the predictability that you may with purebreed dogs, they are generally easier to train, showing great docility and a wide capacity for adaptation. Furthermore, they are the types of dogs that are most often abandoned and the ones that are most abundant in animal shelters.