How much unemployment will I get if I make $800 a week in NY?
Unemployment benefits are designed to provide financial assistance to individuals who are actively seeking employment but are currently without a job.

The unemployment benefits system in the United States involves government programs designed to provide financial assistance to people who are actively seeking employment but are currently without a job.
The US has unemployment insurance programs which are operated at the state level but follow federal guidelines. Eligible workers who have lost their jobs can receive financial assistance for a limited period of time. The amount and duration of benefits vary by state.
Eligibility to collect unemployment benefits
To qualify for unemployment benefits, people must meet certain eligibility criteria, which generally include being unemployed through no fault of their own (such as being laid off or downsized), being able and available to work, actively seeking suitable employment, and meeting any specific state requirements, such as having earned a minimum amount of wages during a designated base period.
Workers who become unemployed typically need to apply for benefits through their state’s unemployment insurance program. This can often be done online through the state’s official website or by visiting a local unemployment office.
Each state administers its own unemployment insurance program, as there is not one on the federal level. Therefore, there can be variations in specific details and requirements.
How much unemployment will I get if I make $800 a week in NY?
Your state considers the specifics of your work history and how much you previously earned in order to determine how much your benefit amount would be. If you make $800 a week in New York, your estimated weekly benefit would be $416 for up to 26 weeks, according to You can also check their unemployment calculator to determine the amount that would be more appropriate for your particular situation.
New Yorkers can also get an estimate of their weekly benefit using the calculator of the New York State government. They also provide approximate amounts of partial unemployment benefits.