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No need for chocolate! The fruit that makes you happy

Chocolate is known for its ability to make you feel happier. However, there is a common fruit that has a similar effect of turning a frown upside down.

Chocolate is known for its ability to make you feel happier. However, there is a common fruit that has a similar effect of turning a frown upside down.

Chocolate for many people is the go-to food when they need help changing their mood for the better. There is a good reason for that as it, especially dark chocolate, has three components that have mood altering effects.

One of those, the amino acid Tryptophan, is used by the brain to produce serotonin, a natural “feel good” chemical. Another amino acid present in chocolate is phenylethylalanine which the body uses to create dopamine an antidepressant that is part of the brain’s reward system which helps us feel pleasure.

However, the body can use another nutrient that can be found in certain foods to produce serotonin and dopamine as well, Vitamin B6.

No need for chocolate! The fruit that makes you happy

A medium-sized banana will give you around a quarter of the recommended daily allowance of Vitamin B6. This tropical fruit also contains fiber and natural sugars, which when paired together, the fiber helps for a slow release of the sugars into your bloodstream. This in turn helps maintain stable blood sugar levels which can avoid mood swings and irritability that can happen if your blood sugar level gets too low.

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The benefits of this fruit found in nearly every supermarket and fruit stand in the world don’t stop there either. Heathline points out that bananas are an excellent source of prebiotics, especially when there is still a little green showing on the peel. This particular type of fiber is ideal fodder to help keep your gut bacteria healthy. “A robust gut microbiome is associated with lower rates of mood disorders,” the outlet says according to a medical study.

You can even combine bananas with other foods that help improve our mood to get your day off on the right foot. Preparing a bowl of oats and cinnamon with slices of banana can help keep your spirits up all morning.

Oats are rich in fiber and iron. We’ve already mention the benefit of fiber but by maintaining adequate levels of iron helps avoid feeling fatigue and sluggishness as well as mood disorders.

Cinnamon for its part, helps balance stress hormones and enhances mood. It is also a great source of manganese which helps regulate blood sugar in addition to neutralizing free radicals. It is also credited with boosting concentration and cognitive processing.
