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The superfood recommended for lowering cholesterol and preventing hair loss

The pequi, also known as the souari nut, is a good source of fiber, as well as vitamin A, carotenoids, and beneficial monounsaturated fatty acids.

The pequi, also known as the souari nut, is a good source of fiber, as well as vitamin A, carotenoids, and beneficial monounsaturated fatty acids.
Raúl González

Summer is almost officially here and many will embark on a regimen to get ready for beach season. The success of such an endeavor depends a lot on two things: engaging in regular exercise, and watching what you eat.

Superfoods, rich in nutrients (especially fiber, antioxidants, fatty acids or vitamins), are a good supplement to incorporate into your diet. They are also beneficial for health. These will probably become the foods of the future, as consumers increasingly look for foods that provide positive contributions to health and are capable of reducing the occurrence of diseases.

Characteristics of the souari nut

One of them is the pequi, also known as the souari nut, an abundant plant in the Amazon whose tree can reach over 160 feet in height. The fruit of the pequi, yellow in color and with a strong taste and smell, is very tasty, although not sweet. Before eating them, it is advisable to boil them.

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Like most fruits, pequis are a good source of fiber, as well as vitamin A, carotenoids, and beneficial monounsaturated fatty acids, including linoleic and oleic acids.

Health properties of the souari nut

This food is highly valued for different qualities attributed to it. Here are some health properties of the souari nut.

  • Reduces cholesterol and beneficial to the heart: it is a fruit that is very rich in monounsaturated acids; therefore it reduces the level of saturated oil chains in our body, lowering bad cholesterol levels. In addition, regular consumption helps reduce the risk of coronary heart disease.
  • Prevents and stops hair loss: the high content of tacopherol and vitamin A means that the skin and hair are protected due to the antioxidant properties of these compounds. Its consumption can prevent the skin from showing imperfections.
  • Lowers blood pressure: The blend of vitamins and minerals, including potassium, can help relieve stress on blood vessels and relax them, thus increasing blood flow and relieving blood pressure.
  • Helps athletes: its anti-inflammatory effect can help prevent injuries in athletes and people who regularly practice high-intensity sports.
  • Improves vision: vitamin A is found in large proportions in pequi. Likewise, the content of carotenoids is high and these act as antioxidants, specifically in the eye cells.
  • Fights constipation: this is a food very rich in fiber, a quality that helps intestinal transit function properly, regulates metabolism and acts as a natural laxative.

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