A speedrunner completed Resident Evil 4 at its highest difficulty, and in less than 2 hours!
Speedrunner Spicee has managed to complete the Resident Evil 4 remake in the highest difficulty available, Professional, in less than 2 hours and achieving S+ rank.

There is no big launch that doesn’t pass through the hands of speedrunners, and they always take them as great challenge. Of course, this is now the case of Resident Evil 4, and now a speedrunner known as Spicee has been able to finish the game in less than two hours while playing in Professional difficulty, the highest difficulty setting available right now.
First to go below 2 hours on maximum difficulty
As you can see in the video, Spicee’s feat is completely real. In fact, it is specifically an hour and almost 59 minutes that it takes to complete the fantastic game by Capcom at its highest difficulty. Remember that Professional Mode is unlocked by beating the game for the first time in any mode, so almost anyone can give it a go... though probably with a very different outcome.
Obviously, to finish the game in that time, Spicee had to do without both hidden treasures and other things that give advantages for the gameplay, as well as not completing secondary activities, such as saving the dog that helps us in the first encounter with the troll. We can also see how he tries to avoid most of the enemies, as well as being out of their attack range.
In this way, Spicee is the first player in the world to go below two hours, the previous record being held by Captain Ezekiel, who had left it in a not-inconsiderable 2 hours and 9 minutes. There are also five players who have completed the game in less than two hours, but they have all been on normal difficulty mode. If we take a look at the videos posted by all of them, we see how the vast majority have used the same tricks, although Spicee’s credit for doing it on Professional difficulty is more than evident.